
Place bay leaves under your pillow and see what happens during the night

By liliaturcin5

Have you ever thought about using bay leaves outside of the kitchen? Oh well, in addition to the glitter in an olive oil bouquet for aromatising or the powder transformers to give your plates a delicious taste, we will explain it to you from nombreuses people the placents sous leur oreiller avant de sleep. It’s an old practice that our grandmothers did and which is a little out of the ordinary, but which has still proven itself!

We teach you nothing if we tell you that plants have many surprising virtues, and that laurel is one of them. In fact, it would be a shame not to know how to exploit this evergreen shrub. Explanation !

What are the benefits and virtues of laurel?

Dried bay leaves

It’s not for nothing that bay leaf is used as a natural ingredient in cooking and traditional medicine, don’t you think? Rich in vitamins A, B6 and C, bay leaves support the immune system and aid digestion. The beneficial properties of the foliage of this shrub are not limited to this… Many people put them under the pillow before sleeping.

Why should you put a bay leaf under your bed pillow?

In addition to its health-promoting properties, bay leaves also possess  countless benefits  , including energetic, spiritual and prophetic. And thanks to the reasons we’re about to list below, you’ll definitely be slipping a few under your pillow tonight!

  1. Therapeutic power: Place a bay leaf under your pillow for restful sleep

Do you have trouble falling asleep and want to feel more relaxed? If you want, dear readers, to calm your sleep and fall asleep in complete serenity, all you have to do is put a   bay leaf   under your pillow. Although there are no scientific studies that demonstrate its effectiveness, our grandmothers understood that the scent of this shrub promotes relaxation and well-being. Which can lead to a peaceful sleep. You are sure to have sweet dreams tonight!

  1. Spirituality: Tuck a bay leaf under your pillow to attract positive vibes

In several ancestral cultures it was customary   to burn a few dry bay leaves   to ward off evil spirits and ward off negative energies. Once again, one of the spiritual virtues of this shrub is to put a few leaves under the pillow before going to sleep to eliminate negative vibrations and attract only positive ones. Wellbeing guaranteed!

  1. Energy: Place a bay leaf under your pillow to trigger your luck and attract luck

Do you believe in the law of attraction? If the answer is yes, put a bay leaf under your pillow tonight! Synonymous with power, this plant promotes a healthy and favorable atmosphere, something that attracts luck, positive vibrations and good luck. It’s your turn !

  1. Protection: Place a bay leaf under your pillow to keep insects away

Dear readers, we saved the best for last! Are you afraid of insects such as bedbugs, fleas, mosquitoes or… LICE? Bingo! the solution is very simple and will not cost you a single cent: just put a bay leaf under your pillow to scare away these unwanted visitors. Having said that, let’s try to be rational anyway,   if your kennel is infested with these little animals, a bay leaf won’t help you   and you will therefore have to think about treating the problem thoroughly.

Is it better to use dried or fresh bay leaf under the pillow?

Dry or fresh, the potential of bay leaves exceeds all expectations! When they are fresh, they add flavor to our dishes. That said, to benefit from their spiritual and medicinal power, they must be used in dry form. This is also the case if you want to put them under your pillow.

How to use bay leaves in infusion for sleep?

To take advantage of the effects of bay leaves against anxiety and promote relaxation during sleep, there is a very effective remedy for this: a bay leaf infusion, as reported by Health Passport! Yes,   just make us some tea  . To do it :

  • Place 2 or 3 bay leaves in 250 ml of very hot water.
  • Leave to infuse for about ten minutes and you’re done!
  • Enjoy your herbal tea before going to bed to enjoy a good night’s sleep and wake up refreshed!

Laurel: be careful not to confuse its varieties!

Laurel or “Laurus nobilis” (scientific name) is a shrub native to the Mediterranean basin and is part of the Lauraceae family. There are many varieties that can cause confusion:

  • Laurel and noble laurel:  these shrubs with large, dark green foliage act as aromatic herbs.
  • Oleander and cherry laurel   : these two plants are toxic and very dangerous. You can only use them as ornaments!

In addition to flavoring and making dishes tastier, bay leaves have multiple effects that are beneficial on a spiritual, physical and therapeutic level, and our ancestors understood this well. It would therefore be a shame not to follow in their footsteps and ignore their proven knowledge of this plant!