
5 effective solutions to get rid of cockroaches. These common ingredients are very useful

By liliaturcin5

In times of great heat, not only do we have to deal with long days of heat waves, but we also have to deal with the invasion of all kinds of unpleasant creatures. Whether they’re flying or crawling, these undesirables can quickly ruin your summer if we don’t get rid of them quickly. At the top of the list of the most disgusting insects we obviously find cockroaches. Sure, they’re more scary than aggressive, but they carry more than 33 types of pathogens, including the dangerous bacteria E.coli and Salmonella. Their favorite place? The kitchen. They love to wander around your pantry, you will often find them around grains, nuts and other dry foods. Cockroaches are hungry for food and food waste. The smallest crumbs lying around can attract them. In other words, impeccable hygiene remains the most infallible weapon for not having them around. But, since you don’t spend your time cleaning up, it would be a good idea to use strong and effective repellents.

The Beatles

they are very difficult insects to fight. They are sneaky, insidious and fast. They generally hide during the day and reveal themselves at night: they take us by surprise when we least expect it. Scientists have proven that these little creatures can cause serious diseases. Cohabitation can therefore be dangerous for your health: if you notice black cockroaches in certain corners of the house or brown cockroaches wandering around the kitchen, you should be concerned and take matters into your own hands. If you are hostile to chemical insecticides, some natural ingredients have the power to chase them away mercilessly. Discover these 5 radical solutions!

Effective solutions to get rid of cockroaches in the kitchen

We’re not going to lie to you, no one wants to walk into the kitchen in the middle of the night and be surprised when they are faced with a horrible cockroach that crawls under a cabinet as soon as the light comes on. This type of show can also be very disturbing to some. It should be borne in mind that these disgusting insects feed on leftover food and can live for about six months. The problem is that they multiply very quickly. If you don’t get rid of them soon, your entire house could be overrun by these horrible beasts. However, many people are reluctant to use chemicals with strong odors, not to mention the fact that they aren’t really eco-friendly. Precisely, you definitely have natural ingredients in your kitchen that will do the job perfectly.

Cleanliness is very important! 

First things first: If you want to keep roaches out of your home, you need to keep it clean. It is a mandatory condition. Because cockroaches are attracted to all leftover food and will eat anything, although they generally prefer starch, sweets, fatty foods and meat.

Dirty dishes in the sink  , dog or cat food on the floor, crumbs lying on the kitchen counter are all attractive sources for roaches. In addition, they are also attracted to garbage: a fully loaded garbage can overflowing from all sides is a real feast for these insects. So make sure you take out the trash every day and clean the trash can frequently.

5 simple tricks to repel cockroaches from your kitchen

Sodium bicarbonate

Do you often use it to clean, disinfect and deodorize various spaces and elements of the house? Know that this white powder is also a very effective way to banish cockroaches from your kitchen. The baking soda will serve as bait since it looks like sugar. Cut the onion cubes and sprinkle them with baking soda. Then put them in small bowls that you will place in the areas very frequented by these beetles. They will be attracted to it and once the meal has started they will fall into the trap and become poisoned.

Bay leaves 

We humans love the intoxicating smell of this aromatic herb, which is often used in cooking, and cockroaches find these leaves disgusting. As soon as they get close, they flee unconditionally. Take advantage of it: cut some bay leaves and scatter them in the places where these insects appear. The strong smell will discourage them and they will leave unceremoniously. As a bonus, you get rid of them without even killing them!

Boric acid, a weapon of choice against beetles

When cockroaches come into contact with boric acid, it sticks to their feet and wings. When they ingest the substance, it will act on their nervous and digestive systems. After a while, they end up dying. To use this method, sprinkle some slices of bread with a solution of boric acid dissolved in a little water. Leave the pieces in areas where you often smell roach activity.

Essential oils

And why not kill two birds with one stone? You can both embalm the room with a delicate smell and drive away all these undesirables. In fact, essential oils are perfect for repelling kitchen roaches. For best results, mix peppermint or lemongrass essential oil with a little water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray the solution wherever you see roaches. It really works!

Vinegar: a precious ally against cockroaches 

Finally, for those who don’t know, vinegar is also an excellent natural repellent against these dirty creatures. As a bonus, it’s definitely the cheapest solution! Although commonly used to season foods, vinegar is very versatile and has a variety of uses around the home. In addition to being an excellent cleaner, it will help you keep cockroaches away from the house and especially from the kitchen. Simply spray   white vinegar on walls, under furniture and where roaches might hide.