
6 tips for growing avocado in a pot and making it fruit

By liliaturcin5

If you’ve ever tried to sprout an avocado seed at home , you know how difficult it is to get a plant. Although it is a slightly longer process, growing avocado at home like you do other plants is possible.

The avocado tree grows best in warmer areas, as it needs heat to grow properly. However, it can also be grown in cold areas, if you protect it from cold and frost.

Below we suggest the basic care to take to grow an avocado plant in a pot and ensure that it grows healthy and strong.

1. Correct germination

Clean the avocado seed well and pierce it with 4 toothpicks, so that you can place it in the water with the tip facing upwards. Change the water once a week to prevent rotting.

The seed will take about three weeks to germinate. The ideal time to grow avocado is spring. Once the first leaves have been produced, it will be ready to be placed in a vase.

2. Size of the vase

In areas where the temperature often drops below 10°C it is recommended to plant the avocado in a pot that can be kept indoors. Avocado is very susceptible to cold.

If you live in an area with a temperate climate, with mild winters, you can place the avocado in a slightly larger pot.

3. Ideal soil

Avocado needs acidic soil, with a pH of 5 to 7. The ideal mix is ​​composed of peat, coconut fiber and earthworm humus in equal parts. Finally add a handful of perlite to allow the soil to aerate properly.

The soil must also be able to drain water well. Avocado is susceptible to waterlogging.

4. Basic care

  • Cold. Transfer the plant indoors and keep it near a window to ensure the right amount of light. If you decide to keep it outside, cover it with a thermal sheet.
  • Heat. You can use a burlap to provide shade and prevent the sun from burning the delicate leaves.
  • Watering. The pot must have good drainage. If there is a lack of water, the leaves will show brown spots on the tips.

5. Fertilization

Add fertilizer during the warmer periods of the year, i.e. when the plant is developing and forming shoots.

You can use the same earthworm humus that you used for the composition of the soil. Just put it on the surface of the vase.

6. First pruning

After about a year the avocado will have reached a height of about 60 centimetres. It is recommended to trim the ends to facilitate branching and to ensure that it does not grow in a single direction.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.