
That’s why put mint leaves on the floor in January

By liliaturcin5

The month of September marks the transition from summer to autumn, and with it comes cooler temperatures and an increase in precipitation. This climate change may lead to increased activity of ants seeking food and shelter.

Many are looking for solutions to keep these annoying insects away from their homes, and a possible natural solution is the use of mint leaves.

Mint as a natural repellent

Mint is an aromatic plant known for its fresh and pleasant scent. But in addition to being used in cooking or for preparing drinks, mint is also a powerful natural deterrent for many insects, including ants.

The reason mint leaves can keep ants away is their smell. The essential oils present in mint, such as menthol, emit a scent that is pleasant to humans, but annoying to ants and other insects.

This odor acts as a sort of natural barrier, discouraging ants from passing through areas where mint leaves are present.

How to use mint leaves

Using mint leaves to repel ants is simple and economical. Here are some common ways to do this:

  1. Place mint leaves at entry points: Identify the entry points of ants into your home, such as windows, doors or cracks in the floor, and place mint leaves at these places. Ants will tend to avoid these areas due to the unpleasant scent.
  2. Create a barrier: Crush some mint leaves and distribute them around the perimeter of your home or in strategic places such as the pantry, kitchen or bathroom. This “barrier” of mint leaves can prevent ants from entering.
  3. Use mint essential oil: If you prefer a more concentrated solution, you can use mint essential oil. Mix a few drops of peppermint essential oil with water in a sprayer and apply this solution to the places where ants are most active.

Mint leaves can be effective at keeping ants away, but it’s important to remember that they may not work for all types of ants or in all situations.

Furthermore, it is essential to maintain the cleanliness of the house, seal any cracks or cracks in the walls and floor, and store food in hermetically sealed containers to prevent the attraction of ants.

In conclusion, mint leaves represent a natural and pleasant remedy to keep ants away during the month of September, when they become particularly active.

In addition to this, mint also has numerous other uses and health benefits, making it a versatile and beneficial choice for the home environment.

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