
Almost no one knows this trick to clean the kitchen in just 5 minutes

By liliaturcin5

Thanks to this trick, we can clean the kitchen in just 5 minutes. Here’s how to do it.

Several times during the  day  we find ourselves in the need to use the  kitchen  and its  stove  to prepare something to eat and sometimes delight ourselves with delicious succulent dishes.

Many of these require particular preparation and many times, as a result, our stoves become descaled and tend to burn, so we must wash them immediately to prevent them from being damaged.

Kitchen: this is how to clean it in just 5 minutes

That is why we go and buy products that can be found on the  shelves  of all  supermarkets  and the best home hygiene stores that give us the idea that they are functional.

But sometimes, although they do a good job, we are not able to obtain the desired result and therefore we will end up with the kitchen clean but not thoroughly enough and we will be forced to make other passes.

This happens because we have fried something and the  oil  and  fats  have deposited in the kitchen and on the  stove  or because we have released cooking water into the  stove  , etc.

 For this reason, we must be very careful with what happens when we cook since poor cleaning could deteriorate the functioning of our stoves  and our kitchen.

That is why there are some secrets that our grandmothers have passed on from generation to generation and that usually ensure that the kitchen is impeccably clean.

How to proceed

First we must take the  grills  and immerse them in the sink or a large enough container with  warm water and insert 4  dishwasher tablets  inside  .

After a while, we will go with a  sponge  to clean them and see how the dirt is removed in the blink of an eye or alternatively we can use a  ball of aluminum foil.

This will also tend to remove all the dirt and burns from our grills and we can do the same on the stove, taking care to dry them well so that the water does not end up inside the kitchen  .

As far as the   kitchen  surface is  concerned, however, we can clean it with  denatured alcohol  by putting a few drops on a cloth and rubbing everything once and we will see how the dirt disappears.

Even using  baking soda  with a little dish detergent, the scale can disappear, and we will have a sanitized kitchen without food remains or other stubborn dirt.

These methods are effective and save us wasting time since we will not have to scrub to remove dirt from our kitchens and they will also save us money on industrial cleaners.

With this natural method we can have a  sparkling and functioning kitchen  every time we are about to put it into operation to cook delicacies for ourselves and our entire family.

You just have to experiment with this method and discover that you will no longer be able to do without it.