
Fog all the way on the thermometer, something to perfume the house of winter

By liliaturcin5

A tutti room avere una casa che che odora di buono, soprattutto in inverno! However, never before anyone avoids profumi sintetici, perché oltre ad essere costosi, l’odore non c’è, per non parlare dei loro allergenici effecti. Well, is this a safer alternative? Scopri perché dovresti usare le foglie di alloro.

With the current tendency oriented towards the biological and natural ones, we must carefully take into account the nature of the request which is profumi per la casa che contentengono artificiali ingredienti che potrebbero nuocere alla nostra salute. The chiave is rivolgersi alla natura.

Perché devi putere le foglie di alloro sur le termosifone?

Spray for the environment, deodorant for the house and fragrance for the house…  This is the promise of a natural and high-quality product that offers   a   pleasant sensation and creates a pleasant atmosphere   at home. Ma è vero? This product for your friend has so many components that can be   damaged by your respiratory system  . In reality, the owner concentrates on the multi-sensory marketing strategy     to promote the owner’s business and purport to consume no other reason than that. However, you can   choose a fresh and natural fragrance    at home, even if it’s fare.

  • Put the foglie alloro on the termosifone

By putting a few bay leaves on the radiator , you will be amazed by the smell that they will give off in just a few minutes and which can last for days. To do this :

  • Turn on your heater and wait until it is hot
  • Place a handful of bay leaves directly on the radiator (you can also put them in a heat-resistant container filled with water and place it all on the radiator)
  • Leave it like this, the longer the bay leaves are in contact with the heat, the more pronounced the smell will be.

In addition to being an aroma that smells pleasantly good, bay leaf is also a  powerful deodorizer  that helps  neutralize and eliminate  bad odors .

How do you fare with the all-oro foglie drying up?

If you opt for this first method, the fog is all dry. You can   put it in a bag   and make   a herbal tea   when you see it.

Another method with foglie di alloro, allows you to eat its delicious and refreshing aroma. Basta bruciare alcune foglie di alloro in un container e lasciare che l’odore allows you inside. Economica and natural, this song can make the ambient aria present itself to the salute.

The prossima volta che ti sensato stressato, insonne, ansioso, di cattivo umore or simply hai bisogno di fumare la tua casa, agendi la stufa, tura fuori un paio di foglie di hello e goditi i loro benefici.