
The trick with the sheet of paper to scare away flies

By liliaturcin5

Your home is where you are supposed to rest, enjoy peace and quiet away from the hassles of busy life. But these moments of respite are sometimes interrupted by the visit of tiny beings that are often difficult to get rid of. Here’s a tip to say goodbye to mosquitoes and flies once and for all.

When the weather warms up, mosquitoes and flies settle among us and disrupt our daily lives. It becomes imperative for each of us to find the most effective repellent so that the insects deign to leave us alone. But there’s no need to go broke on chemical-laden insecticides, sprays, and other mosquito repellents.

Hang a sheet of paper in your house to say goodbye to flies and mosquitoes

Blogs and discussion forums are full of grandmotherly tips, as simple and easy to prepare as others to keep insects away from your house. But are they all effective? Without offending our elders, there is an unstoppable trick to drive away mosquitoes and flies once and for all. And   this trick doesn’t involve cinnamon powder or vinegar  .

To do this, you will need to take care of the following:

  • Some sheets of A4 paper (the number will depend on the size of your house. The larger your house, the more space there will be to cover)
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • Water
  • Rope

In a saucepan, pour the sugar, honey and water. Let the mixture simmer for about 5 minutes. Once the preparation is homogeneous, you can turn off the heat.

Cut the leaves into 3 lengthwise. Then punch holes in these leaf ends to pass the rope that will be used to suspend them.

Using a basting brush, spread the water, honey, and sugar mixture all over the leaf.

Hang your sheets near the windows to avoid an infestation of mosquitoes and flies. Sugar instantly attracts pests and will keep them   away from your interior and especially your ears at night  .

Make a mosquito trap for serene nights

To   control insects  , you will need to trap them. These little beasts especially like sugar. This is how you will be able to eliminate them.

To do this, you will need to cut a bottle in half and turn the top side down. By joining the two parts, your trap will take shape. You will boil the equivalent of a cup of water to which you will add the same amount of sugar. When the mixture is homogeneous, you will add two cups of cold water. Then you let the mixture cool slightly before adding a teaspoon of active dry yeast. Next, pour this mixture into the siphon formed by the two pieces of bottle. Before keeping the trap intact, secure everything with tape.

The mosquitoes, fond of sugar, will end up inside and will not be able to get out.

Whether based on cider vinegar, citronella, drops of eucalyptus essential oil, lavender or mint, there are many tips to fight against the invasion of mosquitoes. Try them and find out which one suits you best. Instead, favor natural, non-toxic methods. The ones that, in your eyes, will hit the mark.