
How to use baking soda to clean the dirtiest toilets and perfume them

By liliaturcin5

Inside the bathroom, the toilet is one of the parts to clean with the greatest care. And for good reason, our skin is constantly in direct contact with this area: therefore, it is essential to keep our toilets clean and healthy to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and germs.

Baking soda tablets or bombs are still the easiest and least expensive way to do this cleaning. Of course, don’t rely on those baking soda bombs alone to disinfect your toilets. It is important to allow time, at least three times a week, to carry out a thorough cleaning using appropriate tools such as a brush and disinfectant soap.

However, these small baking soda bombs are still the ideal alternative when we don’t have time to wash our toilets daily or when we receive an unexpected visitor.

You will need baking soda, liquid soap, essential oils and white vinegar at the time of use, which will have the function of activating the pumps to promote cleaning.

Now let’s see how to prepare this very economical homemade product.

Why do you need these ingredients to clean the toilet?

· Sodium bicarbonate

Unanimously, baking soda is considered the best friend of cleaning. Also called “sodium bicarbonate” or “Vichy salt”, it is a white component with a powdery texture, extracted from a mineral called natron from large salt lakes.

He admits that it is really difficult to do without him. And for good reason: it is a powerful degreaser that has many disinfectant properties.

In this recipe for bombs to clean toilets, it allows in particular to eliminate bad odors, descale and disinfect.

· Liquid soap

According to an article published in UNAM magazine (National Autonomous University of Mexico): unlike water alone, soap will clean deeply, dissolving dirt and grease, while helping to remove them from the surface. As an added bonus, it will have a real impact on baking soda pumps by solidifying the mixture and noticeably helping with cleanup.

· Essential oil

In this recipe, the sole purpose of the essential oil (choose according to your taste) is to provide a pleasant aroma. Which cannot be denied when it comes to toilets. Opt for a pleasant aroma full of freshness such as lemon or lavender.

How to make our baking soda bombs to clean bathrooms?


  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 1/3 cup liquid soap
  • 40 drops of essential oil of your choice
  • White vinegar, when used


In a bowl, mix all the ingredients.

Make balls with the baking soda preparation and let it dry for 2 hours.

Store them in a glass container. When you use them, remember to add white vinegar to the toilet to activate them.