
8 Tricks to eliminate bad odors from the bathroom and leave a pleasant aroma

By liliaturcin5

There are constant comings and goings in the bathroom: it is probably the most used room in the house. It is not surprising that it gets dirty quickly and is always plagued by unpleasant odors. The downside to the story is that even if you insist on cleaning it regularly and even airing it constantly, you almost never manage to get rid of these indelicate odors that linger over and over again. Go hop, no more hassle, unnecessary expenses and energy loss. Among these few tips, you will inevitably find the definitive solution to get rid of these cursed odors!

One thing is for sure: none of these tricks will save you the task of cleaning the bathroom and toilet. As you already know, this domestic chore is unavoidable. Ideally, you would even maintain this room daily and clean it thoroughly once or twice a week. However, to eliminate bad odors, these remedies are very effective and have nothing to envy of the chemicals you are used to using. With the difference that most of these ingredients are natural, ecological and economical!

Bathroom: the keys to always smelling good

Before detailing the different options that exist to make your bathroom smell good, it is important to take into account a series of issues.

  • The most important thing is to ventilate the room regularly and adequately, either by opening the window if you have one, or by using an extractor hood.
  • The presence of indelicate odors is a characteristic of the bathroom. No matter how many flavors are applied, if there is not adequate ventilation, the result will never be truly optimal.
  • In other words, the aromas will only combine with the bad odors already present. It is therefore a vicious circle that we must try to avoid as much as possible.

Toilet paper soaked in essential oils

For this first tip, we offer you a very simple idea, but one that can be very promising. Simply drop a few drops of essential oil into the toilet paper. Opt for fruity scents like lemon or orange, or even a mix of both. This will perfume your bathroom with a delicate citrus aroma. Repeat the operation regularly to hide bad odors and keep the room fresh.

homemade air freshener

Of course, you can also prepare your own homemade air freshener with well-chosen ingredients to get rid of annoying odors emanating from the toilet.

Take a 0.5L spray bottle. Mix 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, 1 teaspoon of ethyl alcohol, 10 drops of pine essential oil, 5 drops of peppermint essential oil and distilled water. Pour the mixture into the bottle, shake well and spray the toilet bowl 4 or 5 times. You will quickly notice that the strong odors have completely disappeared.

scented toilet brush

Smart Tip: Pour some scented dishwashing liquid on the toilet brush. Let the fragrance penetrate properly and use the brush to clean the container. Same principle, you will quickly see that the freshness is there!

Perfume the trash can

It goes without saying, but of course it is necessary to empty the trash can in the bathroom every day. Otherwise, it quickly ends up being filled to the brim with various messes: it should come as no surprise that odors linger in the room.

Once emptied and well cleaned, it would be good to perfume it: to do this, mix 2 cups of baking soda, 6 to 8 tablespoons of water and as many essential oils as you want. Pour them into silicone ice cubes and let them dry for 24 hours. The use of baking soda is not minor: this powerful cleaner has great disinfectant and deodorant properties. Combined with the other ingredients, it will effectively and quickly eliminate all bad odors.

Decorative air freshener

Here is a good idea! Have you ever put potpourri in your bathroom or near the toilet? Excellent initiative. Except they are not eternal, if you don’t change them regularly, their effect will be completely in vain. Here’s another alternative to try: take a small empty vase, sprinkle it with a dose of deodorant pearls and place an artificial flower on top. This will give a nice decorative touch to the room, and above all it will perfume the entire environment. Again, don’t forget to take a look at it from time to time to check if the perfume is still as lively.

Perfume the bathroom with baking soda

As mentioned above, baking soda is a perfect ally for deodorizing different areas of the house. You can create your own homemade perfume using this very versatile white powder. How to make it: Take a small jar, sprinkle with baking soda and add a few drops of essential oil (citrus, lavender or vanilla). Install this bottle in a strategic place in the bathroom: a fabulous fragrance will escape to perfume the entire room. Don’t forget to replenish the mixture regularly to freshen the place again.

Pour white vinegar into the toilet tank.

Like baking soda, white vinegar is also a very popular natural product in the domestic environment. This cleaning champion has incredible stain removal, disinfecting and deodorizing benefits. It will be particularly useful for purifying and sanitizing your toilets. Here’s how to apply it: empty the tank and turn off the faucet. Take a spray bottle and pour half the bottle of white vinegar into it. Then spray the solution on the sides of the tank and inside the container. Leave it on for at least two hours. Finally, use a brush to scrub the tank to remove any debris. Turn on the faucet again to flush the toilet. Everything is perfectly deodorized and refreshed!

scented towels

Did you know that even towels in the bathroom can cause bad odors? Especially if you don’t wash them regularly. Now is the time to do it: use white vinegar and baking soda to wash your towels in the washing machine. Like two birds with one stone, you will have perfumed your bathroom linen, but you will also have deodorized your appliance!

We have just offered you some interesting tips to deodorize and perfume your bathroom, but the list is still long. You can also get pleasant aromas from the presence of fragrant soaps, intoxicating scented candles and other similar items of natural origin.