
How to remove bad smell from the house, only 3 sheets will be enough

By liliaturcin5

The suffocating smell in the house can be a real nuisance. Fortunately, there is a natural remedy to avoid it forever. Let’s see which one. 

It smells bad: why does it happen?

When a house is closed for a long time, there may be an unpleasant musty smell. This is due to the fact that the air has not changed for some time. It can occur in second homes but also  in homes where you live daily  . In cold weather, in fact, one is more reluctant to change the air to avoid heat dispersion.

Additionally, it is difficult for modern windows to circulate air well even if they are closed. Without forgetting that bad smell can also be due to humidity and the presence of bacteria or something else. In addition to  changing the air  , chemicals are often used to perfume the environment, which only worsens the bad odor situation in the long term. Let’s see, therefore, how to remedy this problem with a natural, cheap and easily accessible remedy.

the natural remedy

The heavy smell can also be found in closets and drawers, as well as in the house in general. Small, closed spaces are the ones that can store the most odor. The natural remedy to use immediately is  bay leaves.

With the bay leaves you will make  a bag  to place inside the closets and drawers affected by the smell. Be careful to use a natural fabric bag, with a very loose weave. The leaves will have to be changed periodically and must be 5/6.

Bay leaf, in addition to being perfumed, can also be  an excellent deterrent against insects and moths  . Another solution is to use a scented infusion to perfume the entire house. Put the bay leaves in a saucepan with water. In addition to the 4 leaves to boil, add a teaspoon of baking soda. After the water has come to a boil, turn off the heat and carry the pot into each room.

 Laurel can also be placed in the bathroom. Along with the hot water, put a few chopped leaves in a small bowl. Add baking soda and leave it in the bathroom. He will be a natural perfumer. The smell of bay leaves, in addition to removing the odor, frees the respiratory tract and gives well-being. For this reason, you could also place a sprig in the shower sprayer to increase the positive effects of hot water and give it a natural scent.

Be careful not to  exceed the amounts  , as allergic people could be hypersensitive to bay leaf. In any case, don’t forget to put some bay leaves at the bottom of your furniture or drawers to prevent the appearance of odors.