
Washing machine, the secret method to dry your clothes in just a few minutes

By liliaturcin5

How to dry clothes quickly in winter? Here is a simple, economical and time-saving solution.

Very often, especially in winter, clothes have difficulty drying. The days are shorter, the hours of sunshine are shorter and less intense, there is more humidity and the clothes are made of heavier fabrics. Therefore, anyone who doesn’t have a dryer is in trouble. How to fix? This is the method that will allow you to dry your clothes in no time.

How to dry your clothes better

Surely  the best way to dry clothes is outdoors  . If you have space and sunlight available, use it as much as possible to dry your clothes. In winter, however, drying outdoors can be more difficult  , thanks to weather conditions and the weight of clothing fabrics. If you have a dryer, that’s it and in no time the clothes will be completely dry. 

However, there is a foolproof method to dry your clothes in a short time, whatever the weather conditions. 

The process starts from the washing machine  . First of all, it is advisable to start a washing program that includes a  high-speed spin cycle  , to eliminate as much excess water as possible.

Once the wash is finished, open the washing machine door and  insert a clean towel between the still damp clothes. One will be enough for half a load, two towels will be needed for a full load. Then close the door and start the spin program.

The towel method

The clean towel in the washing machine will facilitate the removal of water by absorbing it itself along with the spin cycle. In fact, when the washing machine has finished, you will notice how  the clothes are barely damp. All that remains is to hang the clothes well, leaving a little distance between the clothes so that air can pass through better and facilitate drying. Again,  if possible, spread outdoors and in the sun  . This way your clothes will dry in just 15 minutes. If this is not possible, you can always hang out at home, perhaps  by placing the clothesline in front of a radiator.

There are some items that cannot be washed in the washing machine  but must be washed by hand, such as pure wool sweaters. How to do in this case? The process is simple and you will always need a towel. After washing and wringing your sweater well,  take a clean towel and spread it on a shelf.

Spread the sweater on the towel and begin to roll it tightly to absorb any remaining water. Roll the towel to the end and press well  to remove all the water from the sweater. Then unroll everything and arrange to spread out  the “hand-spun” sweater.

Other methods for quick drying

Sometimes it happens that you urgently need to put on a freshly washed and still wet garment. How to do? There are a couple of tricks that can help when added to the methods described above. As a first solution  , it is possible to iron our garment inside out  , setting the iron at low temperature and without steam. The heat of the iron will dry but it will also obviously iron and stretch the fibers of the fabric, promoting drying. 

Turn the garment inside out and iron it right side out, then hang it on a hanger for 10 minutes  . If necessary, iron it one last time for perfect drying.

A valid alternative to quickly dry a garment is to use a hair dryer  . It should be used at a minimum distance of 50 cm to avoid damaging the fabric. With this method it will be possible to dry even pure wool sweaters without risking damage.