
The trick to having a spotless floor: you won’t have a single stain around it

By liliaturcin5

With the mixture of these ingredients you will obtain a home product that will be able to leave you with an impeccable floor.

We reveal the ingredients, which you can find directly at home, and that will help you remove  stains from the floor  . With this simple procedure, your floor will be as new as before. Nobody knew it would be so easy.

Stain on the floor, an annoying problem

Anyone who has laid  new flooring  would like it to be kept as clean and pristine as possible. Only this is not always possible for a whole series of reasons.

The main ones are the dirt that accumulates on the  tiles  . Therefore, it is essential to remove any type of dirt from the floor of the house, cleaning it immediately. In fact, some substances that stain surfaces can irreparably damage the material in question.

Another reason is  sunlight  , which should never be direct, but filtered through windows, curtains and anything that can mitigate it in some way. Surely you have noticed that if sunlight shines directly on an area of ​​the ground, it can become lighter.

Another reason that can lead to  stains  on the floor, and especially in the joints between the tiles, is the accumulation of dust and dirt. That is why we remind you that it is essential to clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner and with water and detergent.

And it is precisely in this last phase that we want  to intervene today  , to explain how to make a natural product to clean the floor. It is a cheap and easy mixture to prepare, which will be effective for you.

How to remove stains from the floor

If you are determined to remove  stains  from the floor at home, you should know that today we will help you do it with a mixture of ingredients that you probably already have at home.

All you have to do is mix together a little white vinegar, a little isopropyl alcohol, your favorite dish soap, an essential oil whose scent you like, and a little water. We are sure that you only need to go to the pantry or refrigerator to recover them.

After mixing these ingredients, all you have to do is put them in a  spray bottle  . Now spray this mixture directly on the stains you want to remove and on the grout lines of the tiles you want to look like new again.

To obtain a truly effective result, we advise you to have a  toothbrush  , which will make it easier for you in terms of sense. In fact, all you have to do is pass the toothbrush over the embedded stains and joints to completely remove them.

If you feel that toothbrush cleaning may be too aggressive and invasive, proceed by simply applying the product with a  soft cloth  . We recommend that you experiment and start with lighter methods to gradually increase your range.

Remember that you can repeat this  process  several times over a period of weeks, so that the result is more effective. Once you apply the mixture again and again, we are sure that your floor will be shiny and new again.