
How to Use Cloves to Rejuvenate and Cleanse the Skin?

By liliaturcin5

Clove has benefits for both health and beauty of the body. It has, among other things, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, restorative and healing properties. It is a spice that disinfects the skin well. A clove-based lotion is perfect for treating blemishes and purifying your skin.

How to use cloves as skin care?

Boil 200 ml of water and infuse 3 or 4 cloves for around ten minutes. Then remove them from the water, soak a cotton pad in the clove lotion and apply it to the pimple or area to be treated. You can store the lotion in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

This lotion is perfect for treating imperfections and purifying your skin. Simply use it on the area to be treated once a day, before your nourishing and moisturizing treatments.

Another method, you can also add a drop of clove essential oil to the equivalent of a tablespoon of vegetable oil of your choice, slightly warmed: argan, coconut, jojoba oil, etc.

It is also possible to add a few drops of essential oil directly to your jar of moisturizer.