
Ginger-Garlic-Lemon-Honey Elixir

By liliaturcin5

Trust me, this ginger garlic lemonade kept me from getting sick, and helped shorten the duration of illness for those who did get it! Preparing it is very easy as long as you have the ingredients. These ingredients will be stored in my house for immediate use!

Let’s start with the ingredients:

Garlic : A triple threat against infections, offering antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

Not only is it effective in eliminating antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including MRSA, but it also fights yeast infections, viruses, and parasites. Garlic should be fresh to provide you with optimal health benefits. Do not use jarred garlic.

Ginger : is widely used around the world to help with loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting after surgery, nausea resulting from cancer treatment, flatulence, stomach upset, colic, morning sickness and headache. transport.

Lemon : Use only FRESH lemons! Do not use lemon juice from plastic lemons or bottled lemon juice. You won’t get all the benefits. Raw lemon juice is well known for its antioxidants and anti-tumor properties and has been used for centuries to cure many ailments. Rich in vitamin C, it is also essential for maintaining a fully functioning immune system, aiding digestion, fighting tumors, helping wounds heal faster, and may even help prevent heart failure.

Honey:  Please use raw, unfiltered honey. The local would be the best for the benefits. An alkaline-forming food, this type of honey contains ingredients similar to those found in fruits, which become alkaline in the digestive system. It does not ferment in the stomach and can be used to counteract acid indigestion. When mixed with ginger and lemon juice, it effectively relieves nausea and provides energy.


3-4 cloves of raw garlic or a large clove of elephant garlic (cut finely so that water can penetrate)

Approx. an inch of fresh ginger (finely cut or chopped)

Place garlic and ginger in a quart glass jar

Boil for approx. 1 quart of water and pour over the garlic and ginger in the jar.

Let it steep for about 1/2 hour or until the temperature is below 115 degrees.

The reason is that honey loses its properties when heated above 115.

Juice of 2-3 lemons

1/4 cup honey

Add the lemon juice and honey and stir until the honey is dissolved.

It’s that simple ! If you or a loved one are already sick, just drink a little at a time. Do not refrigerate as the taste is not good, but whatever you do, DO NOT HEAT IN THE MICROWAVE!!

The microwave will destroy whatever good is in it. I recommend drinking at room temperature.

If you are not sick but have been around people who are and want to avoid catching it, I recommend drinking at least one cup of this or the entire jar over a period of a few days. I would just leave it on my counter and drink a little bit every time I came into the kitchen. This prevented me from catching it even though I was around at least two people who I knew were infected with this virus!