
Soup Diet: A Recipe to Lose Weight Fast

By liliaturcin5

Whether iced or hot, soup can be an irresistible balanced meal in any season. The virtues of a good soup lie above all in its composition which can vary infinitely, depending on tastes and desires. In this article, discover a fat-burning soup recipe to consume without moderation to stay in shape, with pleasure!

Ingredients :

  • The equivalent of a cup of vegetables such as celery, yellow or red peppers, onions or green beans.
  • A cup of mixed green leafy vegetables such as spinach, chard or kale.
  • Half a cup of assorted root vegetables like carrots, beets.
  • Half a teaspoon of a mixture of garlic paste and minced ginger.
  • Between 2 and 4 teaspoons of spices: turmeric, coriander, cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, cumin.
  • Between 1 and 2 cups of homemade vegetable broth prepared in advance.
  • Salt to bring out the flavors
  • A cup of water
  • Optional: You can just as easily add half a cup of red beans, at your convenience.

Preparation :

  1. Start by steaming the root vegetables so that they are incorporated into the soup better later.
  2. Take a large saucepan and pour your spice mixture into it. Let everything heat over low heat until a pleasant scent begins to emerge.
  3. Chop the assortment of green leafy vegetables then add them to the pan, mix them with the spices.
  4. Pour in a cup of your vegetable stock and let everything simmer quietly for 15 to 20 minutes, taking care to put the lid on the pan.
  5. Once the vegetables start to become translucent, you add what is left of the broth as well as the other vegetables. Now let it cook for around ten minutes.
  6. You now need to pour the last part of the ingredients into the pan, namely the root vegetables that you had steamed separately. However, don’t forget to add a little water to the mixture right after. The amount of water you put in it depends in particular on the degree of consistency you want to obtain. Let it simmer for an additional 5 minutes and that’s it!

What is the soup diet?

Born in an American hospital, the soup diet was (originally) offered to obese patients before their surgery.

Soup diet, kézako? The soup diet is above all a low-calorie diet, that is to say that we restrict the number of calories consumed per day in order to “force” the body to draw on its fat reserves. The soup diet thus offers 7 days at around 800 Kcal.

As its name suggests, the soup diet is based on daily consumption of vegetable soups, at every meal except breakfast. We gradually combine lean meats (chicken, turkey, veal, etc.), fruits and vegetables (seasonal and fat-free: no butter, no whipped cream) and lean fish (cod, hake, monkfish, etc.) .

In total, the soup diet lasts 7 days. The promise ? A dazzling weight loss of – 5 kilos in just one week!