
How to clean the toilet bowl with natural solutions?

By liliaturcin5

The bathroom remains one of the areas that must be disinfected regularly, certainly much more than other rooms in the house. But we want to believe you: the toilet part is not the most pleasant. This doesn’t mean that it should necessarily be seen as a chore either. To make this type of cleaning easier, it’s time to reconnect with certain grandmother’s methods which are still popular and which have nothing to envy of commercial remedies. Here are some tips to try without further delay!

In addition to cleaning the tiles, you also need to take care of the bathtub, shower, sink, etc. In this article, we will focus on the toilet bowl which tends to get dirty more often. No need to grimace: trust baking soda, lemon and white vinegar to make your job easier. These natural, economical and ecological products have unsuspected performance in descaling and sanitizing your toilets…more quickly than expected!

How to clean the toilet bowl with baking soda

To eradicate tartar and lime deposits in your toilets, rely on this powerful duo: baking soda and white vinegar. Both are champions when it comes to cleaning. They have incredible disinfectant, degreasing and deodorizing properties. No more dirt residue, yellow marks and bad odors!

Depending on the degree of dirt, it’s up to you to decide on the solution. Pour, for example, 200 ml of white food vinegar directly into the bowl as if you were watering it, then add 200 g of baking soda powder, sprinkling the wall well. You will immediately notice an effervescent reaction: rest assured, it’s normal and perfectly harmless. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes, then scrub well with a brush. Take the opportunity to wipe a sponge soaked in vinegar over all the ceramic and toilet components. Then flush the toilet. Your toilets shine with cleanliness!

Little tip: if the scale deposits are really thick, you can then heat the white vinegar before pouring it into the bowl. Let it sit overnight so that the layer of dirt comes off properly.

NB  : if by chance you do not have any of these products in stock at home, another ingredient will do the trick if the bowl is not too dirty. This is lemon juice. Few people know it, but this citrus fruit, thanks to its acidity, also has cleaning and disinfecting properties. Apply lemon juice to the bowl, rub vigorously. Leave it on for a few minutes before flushing. As a bonus, a delicate lemony smell will escape!

You can also combine baking soda with lemon juice to clean the toilet.

Here’s how to do it: Drain the water supply from the bottom and apply baking soda to the surfaces to be cleaned. Leave it for 12 hours, then add 300ml of lemon juice to the areas where you poured the white powder. This will help you remove stains completely. Finally, rinse with cold water.

Good to know  : in order to keep the bowl clean at all times, it is best not to allow the surface to be covered with limescale or other tartar deposits. This is why it is recommended to clean the toilet bowl periodically.

How to deodorize toilets with shaving cream?

It may seem strange to you, but spraying a little shaving cream on the floor or toilet units will provide a fresh and pleasant smell. Simply spread over stained areas and leave to work. After a few hours, dry these parts well. You will see that the surfaces no longer stick and that a pleasant scent fills the room.

How to disinfect toilets with hydrogen peroxide?

For its part, hydrogen peroxide is also useful for cleaning various surfaces at home. Known for killing germs, mold and bacteria, it is a significant ally for cleaning your bathroom, and in particular the toilets.

How to use it to disinfect the toilet bowl? Pour in 1/2 cup of peroxide directly and let sit for 30 minutes. Next, use a special toilet brush and scrub vigorously to remove germs, bacteria and any dirt deposits. Flush the toilet. Cleanliness guaranteed!

The ingredients that we have just presented to you are particularly effective for disinfecting places, but also for deodorizing the environment and providing real freshness.