
Fig candy

By liliaturcin5

Surely the unmatched flavor of some homemade sweet that we have ever tried has remained on our palate. How many of us have had the opportunity to enjoy a homemade jam made by our grandmother… it is a flavor that has surely remained in your memory forever.

That’s why when fig season arrives, the first thing I think about is making jam. I can assure you that homemade candy does not have the same flavor as what we are used to buying, nothing to do with it! Eating a totally organic product is within our reach.

So I ask you to discard any fear you have about making jam and get to work, it is very simple to prepare.

You will have the satisfaction of seeing your family’s faces when they try the jam and ask you…did you make it?

So don’t waste time, I’ll give you the recipe.


-1k Figs

-600g of Sugar

-1/2 lemon



First of all, we start by choosing the figs. I ask you to please keep in mind that they are meant to be made sweet, so when selecting them you must make sure that they are very ripe, since when the fruit reaches that point is where Sugar levels are much more concentrated, thus taking advantage of its natural sweetness.

Now we clean the figs, wash them well and cut them into cubes. Then we take them to a container where we will also put the sugar along with the lemon juice and a few drops of vanilla essence.

We must not forget to add the lemon, this is of utmost importance since this is a natural preservative, which will make our jam last longer.

We put it in the refrigerator and let everything marinate for 24 hours.

After this time, we pour the figs with the juice that they have released into a pot and bring to a high heat until they come to a boil, at that point we lower the heat and begin to stir with a wooden spoon so that they do not stick to the background.

After it comes to a boil, I estimate more or less 20 minutes more on minimum heat but not all heats are the same, so I advise you to take a little sweet with a spoon and pour it onto a plate. We pass our finger through the middle of the sweet, if we see that when passing the finger a groove forms that does not come back together it is because the jam is already ready, otherwise it needs a few minutes of cooking time.

Once we have removed it from the heat, we let it cool a little and fill the previously sterilized jars.

Now, we prepare some homemade bread toast, mate and enjoy this exquisite jam.