
Caramelized rice pudding: there won’t be even a spoonful left to tell the story

By liliaturcin5

There is nothing better than a delicious rice pudding, but what if we changed the recipe a little. This time we will add caramel, this gives it an incredible color and flavor.

The good thing about this dessert is that we can make it at any season of the year. This is because we can eat it iced for summer or hot for winter, without a doubt it is the best option to eat a sweet dessert.

We will also use coconut milk which, although it provides a unique flavor to our preparation, gives us a lot of benefits that our body needs.

For this delicious rice pudding, you will need:


1 Cup of Plain Rice

3 Cups of Water

2 Cinnamon Sticks

3/4 Cup of Sugar

500 ml. Whole Milk

200 ml. Coconut Milk

Between 50 to 100 ml. of Condensed Milk (depends on the sweetness you want to give it)

Cinnamon powder to taste (optional, to decorate)


To begin, in a pot we add the rice along with the water and the cinnamon sticks. We leave it over medium/minimum heat for 15 minutes or until the rice is soft.

In a separate pot, add the sugar and turn the heat on low. As soon as it starts to melt, it is important to mix constantly so that it does not burn.

If it burns, I recommend that you throw it away as it would ruin the entire preparation. When the sugar is completely melted, add the coconut milk and whole milk.

We mix well so that the caramel dissolves completely. Once you have a homogeneous liquid, add the rice that we previously cooked and the condensed milk.

We have to lower the heat as little as possible and let it cook for 5 minutes. It is important to mix from time to time so that the preparation does not stick and burn.

After the time has passed, we turn off the heat and let it cool inside the pot for 15 minutes. And it would be ready to serve and enjoy this delicious rice pudding.

Now, if you want it very cold, you have to leave it in the refrigerator for a minimum of 2 hours. In either case, we serve in glasses and sprinkle cinnamon powder to taste.