
Lemon peels in oil: an ancient preparation

By liliaturcin5

Throughout history, many cultures have discovered the benefits of using natural ingredients to improve the health and well-being of the body. One of these ancient remedies is the oleolith of lemon peels in olive oil. This remedy has been used for centuries due to its revitalizing properties and the well-being it provides. In this article, we will explore the benefits of lemon peels in oil and how to prepare this ancient remedy.

Benefits of lemon peels in oil

Lemon peels contain a large amount of nutrients and compounds beneficial to health. By soaking them in olive oil for a period of time, the active compounds in the peels are released into the oil, creating an oleolith with unique properties. Here are some of the benefits associated with using lemon peels in oil:

  1. Vitality and energy: Lemon peel oleolith in oil is known for its ability to provide a feeling of vitality and energy. The nutrients present in lemon peels can help boost the immune system and fight fatigue.
  2. Mood Enhancement: The fresh, citrus aroma of lemon peels in oil can have a positive effect on mood. The smell of lemon has been shown to have calming properties and can help relieve stress and anxiety.
  3. Antioxidant properties: Lemon peels are rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body against free radical damage. These compounds may contribute to cellular health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  4. Skin care: Lemon peel oleolith in oil can be beneficial for skin care. It can help improve the appearance of the skin, reduce blemishes and promote a brighter complexion.

How to prepare lemon peels in oil

Preparing lemon peels in oil is a simple process that can be done at home. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Gather the ingredients: You will need 100 grams of lemon peels and 100 ml of good quality olive oil. It is important to use organic lemons to avoid pesticides and other chemicals on the peels.
  2. Wash and dry the lemon peels: Wash the lemons well and use a grater to remove the peels. Make sure not to grate too deeply to avoid the white part, as it can be bitter.
  3. Place the lemon peels in a glass jar: Choose a clean, dry glass jar with an airtight seal. Add the grated peels to the jar and make sure to fill it to the top.
  4. Pour the olive oil: Pour the olive oil into the jar until it completely covers the lemon peels. Make sure there are no air bubbles and the shells are completely submerged in the oil.
  5. Storage: Close the jar tightly and store in a cool, dark place for at least two weeks. During this time, the oil will be infused with the beneficial compounds in the lemon peels.
  6. Filtering and final storage: After two weeks, filter the oil to separate the lemon peels. You can use a strainer or a coffee filter. Transfer the oil to a clean, dry jar for final storage.

How to use lemon peel oleolith in oil

Once you have prepared the oleolith of lemon peels in oil, you can use it in various ways. Here are some suggestions on how to make the most of this ancient remedy:

  1. Body massage: The oleolith of lemon peels in oil is ideal for massaging the body. Apply a small amount of oil to your hands and gently massage into your skin in circular motions. This can help revitalize the body and provide a feeling of well-being.
  2. Aromatherapy: The refreshing aroma of lemon peel oleolith in oil makes it an excellent choice for aromatherapy. You can add a few drops of oil to an aroma diffuser or vaporizer to fill the environment with its citrus and stimulating fragrance.
  3. Facial care: The oleolith of lemon peels in oil can be used in facial skin care. Gently apply a small amount of oil to your face after cleansing, avoiding the eye area. Gently massage in circular motions to help hydrate skin and improve its appearance.
  4. Relaxing bath: Add a few drops of lemon peel oleolith oil to your bath water to enjoy a relaxing and revitalizing bath. The citrus aroma will help you relieve stress and provide a feeling of well-being as you soak in the hot water.

Always remember to perform a sensitivity test on a small patch of skin before applying lemon peel oleolith in oil to larger areas of the body. If you experience any allergic reaction or irritation, discontinue use and consult a health professional.

Before applying any remedy, consult your doctor

It is always important to highlight that, before using any home remedy, it is advisable to consult with a doctor or health professional. Although oleoliths from lemon peels in oil are generally safe, there may be individual considerations depending on the health and personal conditions of each individual.

In summary, the oleolith of lemon peels in oil is an ancient remedy that offers benefits for the vitality and well-being of the body. Its home preparation is simple and can help improve energy, mood and skin care. However, if you have any questions or concerns, it is always best to seek the guidance of a medical professional before starting any treatment.