
Benefits of mandarin

By liliaturcin5

We all know the importance of adding fruits to our daily diet, since they provide our body with vitamins and minerals, hydrate and purify our body, helping the proper functioning of our organs.

In this case we will see the benefits of consuming the famous tangerine, it has an incredible sweet and super refreshing flavor. Because it is so easy to peel, it has become the fruit of choice for many.

The mandarin has abundant beta-carotenes, provitamin A and folic acid, potassium, manganese and does not provide fat.

With abundant benefits, it has been used throughout history to cure certain diseases and that is why now we are going to see some benefits of using it to prepare home remedies.

When we talk about home remedies, we always talk about the importance of consuming them since they heal naturally, however we always advise you to never stop visiting a doctor for advice.

Home remedies prepared to cure the following diseases.


If unfortunately you are suffering from this condition, we tell you that mandarin is special to be used in these cases.

We just have to follow the following steps:

-In a cup of almost boiling water, place half of a tangerine peel.

-Let rest.

-After this time, we can drink the infusion.

-As it is natural, we can repeat its intake up to 3 times per day.


We all know how annoying cough can be, it is generally accompanied by a bad cold and the truth is that it is very unpleasant. It is something that arises suddenly without us being able to control it and often causes a sore throat.

The tangerine peel is a strong antitussive, its consumption can heal us quickly. You just have to follow the following steps.

-We peel the tangerine and cut the peel into small pieces, let it dry for approximately 2 days.

-In a cup we add almost boiling water and place the peels, you must be patient since we have to let it rest for approximately 7 days.

– After this time we strain well and save that liquid in a dropper.

-Before meals we are going to place about 25 drops of this liquid in a glass of water and we are going to drink it. We will repeat your intake approximately 3 times per day.


One of the great discomforts that arise with the arrival of the spring season is nasal congestion. It is very annoying since it constantly comes out of our nose like water and is often accompanied by a headache and watery eyes.

We must be careful in abusing products that are intended to combat it, since they are not always a help, but rather they can worsen our condition. However, tangerine peel can help us only by following the following steps.

– In a container with boiling water and add a couple of peels.

-We approach the container with something on our heads to cover ourselves and inhale that steam.

– We must try to rest after doing so, which is why it is recommended that we do it before going to bed.


Sleep disorders are an illness that afflicts many of us. Many times they are a consequence of stress, depression, hypothyroidism, being overweight or simply bad sleeping habits.

Since getting a good night’s rest is essential to perform in our daily routine, we must try to find a solution. Getting back to sleep is simple.

-We peel a tangerine, cut it into small pieces and let it dry in the sun.

-We place the pieces of shell in a bag and leave it near the pillow, while we sleep we will inhale its smell and it will relax us little by little, this will help us fall asleep.

Stomach problems

Many people cannot enjoy food because there are certain foods that they do not like due to stomach sensitivity.

Many resort to artificial syrups or pills that do nothing or tend to harm this painful condition even more. If this is your case, don’t be discouraged. Simply by following these steps, you will notice the difference.

-We dry tangerine peels well.

-Once the shells are ready, we proceed to crush them.

-We simply sprinkle this powder on the food that we are going to digest. You will notice a big difference, especially you can use this powder on salads, taking advantage of the fact that the hot season is coming.

Without a doubt, resorting to home remedies is of great help, in ancient times they were used a lot but with the passage of time this fell into disuse. It is time to reclaim what is natural and leave aside what is artificial a little since many times it does not produce the desired results.