
How to boil gnocchi without them sticking

By liliaturcin5

Do you like to eat gnocchi? For sure yes. Today we teach you how to boil them so that they do not stick and so you can enjoy them without problems. We will also learn how to save the dough to prepare them whenever we feel like it. And you will also discover how long the raw dough lasts in the refrigerator! To boil gnocchi without sticking, it is important to follow a few simple steps.

The first thing is to prepare the dough following the instructions in our recipe. Once ready, we form balls the size of a walnut. It is important not to knead it excessively so that the gnocchi do not stick.

Once the balls are ready, we bring the water to boil and when it starts to bubble we add the gnocchi. We let them cook for a few minutes, until they start to float. Next, we remove from the heat and drain.

Why do gnocchi stick together?

The gnocchi sticks because the dough is very sticky. If we do not knead the dough excessively and by following the previous steps, we can prevent it from sticking.

Another reason why gnocchi can stick is due to excess flour. If we add too much flour, the dough will be sticky and they will stick together during cooking.

Finally, if we do not drain the gnocchi properly after cooking, they can stick. It is important to remove excess water so that they do not remain wet.

How do you store gnocchi dough?

To store the gnocchi dough we must place it in a bowl and cover it with transparent film. We let it cool to room temperature and then put it in the fridge or freezer. The gnocchi dough will last for about 24 hours.

To prepare the gnocchi whenever we feel like it, we can boil a little water in a saucepan and add the gnocchi. We let them cook for a minute and they will be ready to eat.

Do you dare to prepare gnocchi? Now you know how to boil them without them sticking!