
How to germinate lavender in a cup to perfume the house

By liliaturcin5

Do you want to know how to germinate lavender in a cup to perfume the house? In this post we tell you step by step how to do it. Lavender is an aromatic plant that has many beneficial properties, and sprouting it in a cup is the easiest way to grow it inside your home. Do not miss it!

Where does lavender originate from?

Lavender is native to Europe, specifically to the Mediterranean area. However, it can be found in many other places around the world, where it is grown commercially due to its high demand.

The properties of lavender

Lavender has beneficial health properties, since it is an aromatic plant that acts as a natural antidepressant. In addition, it has antiseptic and bactericidal properties, which makes it an excellent plant to perfume the house.

What is needed to germinate lavender seeds in a cup?

To germinate lavender seeds in a cup, you will need:

– A cup

– Lavender seeds

– Water

– Soil to germinate

– Fertilizer

How to germinate lavender seeds in a cup

Although it may seem somewhat complicated, the reality is that sprouting lavender seeds in a cup and enjoying its aroma is extremely simple. For this we are going to share the step by step below:

  1. Place the lavender seeds in an airtight bag and leave them in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. With this you will ensure that good germination begins.
  2. You will have to make one or more holes in the base of the cup to obtain good drainage.
  3. In another container, mix soil with fertilizer. Always maintaining a higher level of ground.
  4. Place the soil inside the cup
  5. Spread the seeds approximately one and a half centimeters apart inside the cup with soil.
  6. Cover the seeds with soil to the edge of your cup.
  7. Water gently.
  8. From now on, in this first stage, watering should be frequent.
  9. Place the cup in an area where it receives good light, it can be a window but not direct sun.
  10. After two weeks you will begin to notice some changes.
  11. After a month the sprouts will begin to emerge.
  12. If it exceeds its height, do not be afraid to prune it, this will give it more strength.
  13. You can transplant it if you wish.