
How to cool a room with a fan You will be heated like air conditioning!

By liliaturcin5

In these summer days, the heat becomes increasingly unbearable. This discomfort can be solved by having an air conditioner that cools our home.

The problem is that they are becoming more and more expensive and if you are looking for something like a fan, instead of cooling them, they blow hot air at you.

That is why we can make some modifications so that our fan cools our home with just a couple of materials.

For this modification, you will need:


  • 6 Plastic bottles
  • Plastic sheet or cardboard packaging
  • Cutter
  • Wires or seals
  • silicone glue
  • 1 Fan


1- To begin, we grab the plastic bottles and with the help of the cutter, we cut along the top line of the label.

2- We remove the lids and we would have 6 bottle glasses left. If one is larger than the other, the ideal would be to pair them so that they are all the same size.

3- Then, on the cardboard we have to draw a circle with the same diameter as the fan blades.

4- Very carefully, we cut the circle that we made with the help of the cutter.

5- Now we grab the bottle glasses and put them evenly inside the cardboard circle.

6- We mark the diameter of the cups and proceed to cut. It is important that the circle is exactly as we marked, because if not, putting them in will be a headache.

7- We insert the glasses into the circles and secure them with a little tape. In order for them to remain fixed for a long time, it is necessary to glue them with hot silicone glue.

8- On the sides of the cup, we have to make 2 small holes (enough for the wire or seal to fit).

9-Then we tie the cardboard with wire and adjust it well.

And that’s it, you just need to try it and notice how the temperature around your room drops!