
How to make a homemade mixture to mop the floor and keep cockroaches away from the kitchen

By liliaturcin5

In hot seasons, it is normal to see cockroaches visiting our kitchen. This place is the favorite of these insects, because they have the perfect temperature to procreate and feed thanks to the food remains they find in the garbage.

This can be a problem, since they can walk all over the kitchen, spreading a large amount of bacteria that can seriously affect our health. For this problem, we can resort to any toxic product on the market that takes care of cockroaches, but did you know that there are some home methods to combat them without spending more?

In this article we are going to teach you how to prepare an anti-cockroach mixture to combat them and prevent cockroaches from walking in our kitchen. For this homemade mix, you will only need:

Homemade mixture to mop the floor and keep cockroaches away from the kitchen


  • White vinegar
  • 1 Bucket
  • Water c/n
  • Floor cleaner (can be any)

Preparation and use mode

1- In a bucket, put 1 cup of white vinegar along with another cup of water.

2- We add 2 cups of water and mix these products well.

3- Now we simply wipe it (first sweep to remove any remaining dust) as we normally do.

In this way, we form a repellent layer against cockroaches.

Note:  If you have a cockroach infestation, it is necessary to go with a fumigator.

Tricks and tips:

Another way to repel these insects is with aromatic plants, the smell is so strong for them that they make them retreat naturally. Plants with a powerful odor for cockroaches are bay leaves, mint and basil.

To eliminate them, you can use baking soda: Mix a little baking soda with sugar and water in equal parts. We apply this mixture in places where these insects appear (near garbage, in holes, etc.) and we will notice how little by little they disappear.

Another recommendation is to clean the countertop and floor daily. Cleaning about 4 times a week is enough to prevent these cockroaches from having a comfortable place to breed and feed.