
Homemade gel to remove rust effortlessly

By liliaturcin5

Removing rust from kitchen utensils, tools, clothing, metals, among others, is not an easy thing. In fact, there are numerous objects that can be stained with rust and that we must clean.

While it is true, we can find many methods and recipes to remove rust, it must be taken into account that not all of them are suitable for larger pieces or even those that are glued.

In the case of those that are attached, it is impossible to leave them soaking or if they are pieces that are difficult to adapt to a smaller space.

Below we will see a simple, practical and highly effective recipe, it is a homemade gel  that we can prepare to remove rust without making any effort:

How to make homemade gel to remove rust

It is a homemade gel with ingredients that we already have at home and with an adequate formula in the preparation, there is no room for it to fail. The results are incredible, you just have to follow the instructions in the recipe, let’s see what is required:


  • 300 ml. of white vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. of cornstarch
  • 1 thread of cooking oil


For the mixture or gel:

  1. To begin, we dissolve the cornstarch in the white vinegar in a small saucepan.
  2. Then, we heat it until a mixture similar to porridge is achieved.
  3. To finish, we add a splash of oil, the one we usually use in the kitchen. We also mix and let it cool, we now have a kind of homemade gel ready.

To apply it:

  1. Once our gel is ready, we apply it to the piece with rust and let it act overnight.
  2. Then the next day, we proceed to rinse with plenty of water and pass a brush over the object.
  3. To finish this treatment correctly and not rust again, each piece must be dried very well with a cloth and sprayed with a lubricating oil to protect it.

Let’s follow this practical recipe step by step to make homemade Gel and remove rust without using force!


As we know, vinegar is the great ally in the home and to put an end to rust as well, which is why among many tricks and methods to eliminate rust, white vinegar is always present.

In fact, it can be combined with other ingredients, such as lemon juice and salt to make the mixture more potent. For example, if a nail has rusted, just soaking it in vinegar will be enough to remove the rust.

On the other hand, to remove rust from metal surfaces, baking soda is best:

  • First, clean the metal objects directly with baking soda and let it sit overnight to act on the rust stains.
  • The next day, we proceed to brush with water and rub until the rust has disappeared. The results are excellent.

Let’s apply these tips and tricks to get optimal results!