
5 homemade tricks to take care of a Moses Cradle or Peace Lily and have it beautiful

By liliaturcin5

If you have a bassinet crib in your home, it is important that you know how to care for it and keep it beautiful. Below we explain how to obtain a Moses crib, care and advice.

Moses’ cradle (also called peace lily or Spathiphyllum ) is a very easy plant to care for, but if you don’t know how to treat it correctly it can look ugly and wither. With these simple tips, you can always keep it beautiful.

5 tips to take care of a Moses Crib and make it look beautiful

– First, make sure that the Moses or Peace Lily crib has enough light. If you place it in a dark place, it may wither and look ugly.

– Second, give him plenty of water every two days. If you don’t water it, it can wither and die. Remember that they are indoor plants, do not abuse them when watering them.

– Third, fertilize Moses’ crib every month with a special plant product. This will help it grow strong and healthy.

– Fourth, brush it with a soft brush from time to time. This will help remove particles that accumulate on its leaves. You can also prune it, to do that simply cut the dead affected areas and enjoy the younger and brighter leaves.

– Fifth, spray warm water on it every week. This will help keep it hydrated and healthy.

I hope you liked this article about Moses crib care and advice!