
How to make a foolproof, quick-drying waterproofing product to protect the roof of your home

By liliaturcin5

Over time, our home can be affected by rain and humidity. This causes damage that can be repaired, but in some places such as the roof it can be very expensive and cause problems in the future.

To prevent saltpeter from “eating” the construction, we can choose to protect it with a waterproofing agent. These are easily available at any hardware/paint store near your house, but the problem is that they are somewhat expensive.

Therefore, we can choose to do it at home with some materials that are just as easy to find, but with a minimal cost. So that it turns out perfect and you have 100% protection, I recommend that you read carefully how to do it

You will need to:


  • 5 liters of Vinyl Sealant for wall
  • Spatula
  • Between 3 to 5 pieces of Telgopor of 100 of 60 cm. long (also known as Styrofoam)
  • Old roller that you are not going to use
  • 5 kilos of white cement (it may be more or less depending on the size of your roof)
  • Thinner
  • Bucket

Preparation and method of use

Before starting, I recommend that you use protection to do this work, ideally use gloves, glasses and a face mask.

1- To begin, in a bucket we put the vinyl sealant along with the thinner and the white cement.

2- With a stick we mix a little and add the Styrofoam in pieces. With this mixture, you will see how the styrofoam melts little by little.

3- When all the Styrofoam is melted, we continue mixing and unite all the materials.

4- Before applying the waterproofing, we have to clean the roof well. For this, we will use a broom and a spatula, trying to remove as much dust as possible.

5- Once clean, we proceed to pass the roller wet with the mixture. Yes or if it has to be an old roller, because once it dries it plasticizes and is useless.

6- As you apply the waterproofing, I recommend mixing every so often, the important thing is that bubbles do not form.

Now we wait for it to dry well, and that’s it, this is more than enough to have a moisture-free roof!