
How to use salt to wash clothes

By liliaturcin5

Salt to wash clothes? Technology advances and we also advance, however not all of us have the privilege of having the latest generation washing machines. Many of us have those old washing machines that no longer clean like they did when they were new.

That’s why we bring you a new method to wash our clothing. This procedure was already carried out in the past, when fabric softener or other cleaning supplies did not exist. Salt for washing clothes is a foolproof method.

Homemade ways of using and taking advantage of this mineral will help us not subject our clothes to chemicals that could damage them, since the natural use of salt will bring us successful results.

The salt trick for washing clothes

Salt  is very beneficial and can successfully replace several textile products. Below we will tell you some tips and ways of how this mineral works :

1) What stains does salt remove?

Salt removes large stains, even those that no chemical product would remove. For example, if we accidentally spill  wine on our clothes, we will quickly apply salt to it .

Then we let it act for a few minutes and after the time has elapsed, we will put the garment in a container with cold water, letting it act for 3o minutes.

Finally, after half an hour, we take out our clothes and put them in to wash as we normally would. We will observe the results immediately.

Another case of how salt acts on clothes is:

When we get hurt and get blood on our clothes, we should apply salt  directly to the garment and then wash it as usual. This stain will come off with optimal results.

Salt  also perfectly removes rust. For this, we must mix salt with lemon juice and apply it directly to the affected area. Then we must scrub.

After this, rinsing is not required, but we recommend continuing with the usual washing process.

Salt  can also be used to remove yellow sweat stains on clothing. To do this, we have to pour 3 tablespoons of salt  per liter of hot water, and after letting it sit for a few minutes, we will rinse and wash as we normally do.

2) How to protect the color

We all have a piece of clothing in our home that is losing its color. This is due to poor washing or the use of very strong or penetrating chemicals on our clothes.

For this reason, we must submerge our clothes in a mixture of  salt  and  water  for 30 minutes before starting general washing. Likewise, we can choose to add a tablespoon of salt to the liquid soap, to help with the process and finally see great results.

3) Salt instead of Fabric Softener

Salt  perfectly replaces fabric softeners. Two of the many ways to use this mineral are:

If you wash by hand, it is recommended to soak the clothes for 30 minutes in a salt water solution. Then we must rinse it well and let it dry, this way we will quickly see the results.

If you clean with a washing machine, we must put 4 tablespoons of salt  in our liquid soap. This will allow the garment to have more softness. We can also additionally use scented fabric softener to generate a very good fragrance.

This ancient and natural method is very effective and simple, it was already used in ancient times. We recommend using it and we guarantee successful results with great gentleness.