
Homemade Tangerine Jam in just a few steps and very sweet

By liliaturcin5

Something simple to make and try during this quarantine is homemade tangerine jam, a unique flavor and ideal to put on toast when you are going to have breakfast or even a snack.

Now we will need several things for all this to work, yes or if they have to follow the step to the letter, otherwise it could ruin the entire jam.

An important part for this jam are the utensils that we are going to use, these are:

2 Bowls


2 medium pots with lids

Wooden spoon

4 clean jars

Having this we would already have all the utensils, for this delicious jam we are going to use:


1 Kg. of Tangerines

900 Gr. of Sugar

1 Liter of Drinking Water


For this delicious jam, we wash the tangerines well, it is important that there is no dirt or dirt left.

Then we peel the tangerines and reserve both the segments and the peel, these two will have to go through different processes.

With the shells we are going to use a procedure to soften them and clean them of any dirt they have.

For that we are going to cut them into thin strips and let them soak in cold water for an hour, then we change the water and leave them for another hour and so on once again without throwing away the water.

When the last hour is over, put the shells with the water in a saucepan and boil them for about 20 minutes or until they soften.

Finally we are going to remove the shells from the cooking water, we are going to reserve both. Now it’s the turn of the segments.

With the help of a knife we ​​try, as best as possible, to remove the white threads. Since these could make the preparation bitter.

If it has a lot of seeds, you can cut it a little and take them out. Once this process is finished, we are going to put all the ingredients in the pot where we cook the peels.

That is, we put the peels that we had reserved, the sugar and the segments. Having all this in the pot, we simply send it to a minimum heat.

If you see that the cooking water does not cover the ingredients, simply add a little water until it completely covers.

Stir occasionally as this can stick and burn to the bottom of the pot. Cooking takes approximately 30 to 40 minutes.

Meanwhile we can sterilize the jars, we simply put them in a large pot and leave it there until it boils.

This is important as some bacteria could ruin the jam. Once the jam is ready, we wait for it to cool to room temperature, we put it in the jars and directly into the refrigerator.

And we would already have our delicious homemade orange jam, the only thing missing is good bread to be able to savor this delicious recipe.