
Nonna Elda’s piadina from Romagna

By liliaturcin5

Nonna Elda’s piadina from Romagna

How good is the piadina!!! And how versatile it is! It solves my dinner when I don’t really want to spend hours and hours in the kitchen. My children go crazy for it: with cooked ham and melted cheese, with raw ham and rocket, with grilled vegetables and brie. In short, in all its forms it is spectacular. To tell the truth, they also like it as a snack, with a nice spoonful of Nutella!

Precisely because we consume it more often in my house, at a certain point I got tired of buying it ready-made at the supermarket, and so one day I sat next to my mother-in-law, born and raised in Emilia-Romagna, and I peeked at all the preparation, with her I ate the best wraps ever! And I want to share her recipe with you!

Making it is very simple and it is absolutely worth trying, because the taste is superlative.

Are you ready? Now I’m revealing his secret recipe!

The piadina from Romagna. Ingredients

For this recipe, we need:

  • 270 gr of flour + flour for the pastry board (I used the Caputo pink package)
  • 50 g of lard
  • 120ml warm milk (or water)
  • 10 g of salt
  • a pinch of baking soda


Pour the flour on a work surface or in a bowl, put the salt and lard in the center and begin to knead, add the milk in three different steps, always continuing to knead. We continue to work the ingredients energetically, finally add the bicarbonate and incorporate it until we obtain a very smooth and firm dough.

Now we can decide whether to prepare our wraps immediately or wrap the mixture in cellophane, place it in the refrigerator and consume it within a week.

I’ll prepare it right away, because here they quiver!!!

We take a nice chunk from the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin to make a ½ centimeter thin disc. Heat a non-stick pan over a high flame and place the piadina in the centre.

Cook the piadina for 2-3 minutes, then lift it, turn it and continue cooking for another 3 minutes. The first piadina is the so-called test one, so we taste it and if it convinces us (but it will always convince us, more than anything else we have the excuse to taste one, otherwise we risk running out of luck, they’re snapped up), we continue to prepare the others!

All I have to do is wish you all good appetite and see you next recipe!

Dedicated by Matteo to his wonderful Mum, Nonna Elda for all of us