

By liliaturcin5

Only one product will save your crops and guarantee you an extraordinary harvest: spread it in the garden to protect the onions. Here’s what you need to get.

To have lots of onions,  you only need one ingredient: spread a small amount in the garden for  a rich and healthy harvest.


Onions belong to the Liliaceae family  which includes more than 500 species such as  chives and leeks  . Their origin is still doubtful today. Some think they come from Central Asia and others from North Africa.


What is certain is that they  were known and used since Antiquity  . The Romans and Greeks  ate lots of onions  , believing they increased the  strength of their soldiers.

It was the Romans who  spread onion cultivation throughout the Mediterranean  . Today, this plant grows well everywhere but especially in temperate zones. They can be found on the market all year round but they  grow beautifully especially in spring.

Did you know that instead of buying them at the supermarket or a greengrocer, you could start producing them yourself? It’s not difficult.  If you use this product, you will surely have a healthy and abundant harvest.

Spread It In The Garden To Protect Onions: It’s The Ingredient That Saves The Harvest

If you want to try  growing onions  or just want to have a healthier and more abundant harvest, you need to get this ingredient:  spread it around the garden  to protect the onions. What are we talking about? With a spoonful of  ashes  !

The ashes,  rich in various minerals, protect the onions from attacks by various and numerous parasites  . It can also be used to  disinfect the soil  ,  to fertilize it or to create a natural fungicide and insecticide.

This ingredient, which can be obtained from the combustion of wood,  improves the characteristics and structures of the soil  and helps in the  decomposition of organic substances.  However, be careful when using it. There is one detail that absolutely should not be underestimated.

Ash increases the pH of the soil  and you should therefore not use it, for example, to  fertilize acidic, alkaline and neutral soils  . In addition, the ashes  do not contain nitrogen  which should instead  be incorporated into the soil  : the  combination of ashes and nitrogen  allows the production of  quality, long-lasting bulbs.

Did you know that thanks to ashes,  onions become more resistant to climatic changes  and therefore turn yellow more difficult? In short, it is truly an excellent natural product.

If you are wondering  when and how to use it  , we are ready to solve your doubts. First of all, remember that  you should use ash no more than 3 times during the growing season.

Second, you can stream it:

  • during soil preparation;
  • before sowing;
  • thanks to a solution to be used only after germination  .

The simplest method is certainly  the sprinkling or spraying technique  . Of course, you can also spread the ashes directly on the ground but in this case be sure to do this practice on a windless day. If you grow them in a pot, even a  spoonful of ash twice a year  is enough to make your onions grow quickly.

On the contrary, if you make this  natural supplement  , you will obtain more results in less time and without any difficulty. Simply  dissolve a spoonful of ash in a liter of water and immerse the bulbs in this solution  for 6 hours before sowing.

Another equally effective option is to prepare a recipe that only involves two steps.  Dissolve 350 grams of ashes in 10 liters of water  , mix and do not touch this solution for three days. Then start  watering your plants with this fertilizer: you will intensely nourish the bulbs.

Finally, you can  make a supplement based on sugar and yeast  . In 3 liters of water add a  spoonful of ash, 5 spoons of sugar and one of dry yeast.

Mix well and let the solution sit for 3 days. Then water your plants:  you will have lots of onions  ! We recommend using these  natural fertilizers  only 2 times: at the beginning of spring and in mid-July, that is, when the plant needs more nutrients.  Ash is also a natural insecticide  that keeps pests such as aphids and whiteflies away from the soil.