
Smells like shower sewage, the bottle method solves the problem permanently

By liliaturcin5

The smell of sewer in the shower is one of the most annoying things that can happen in the house, unbearable and sometimes difficult to eliminate. But there is a method that has proven to be very effective, you only need to use a bottle. This is how you do it. 

The  bathroom  is one of the most used rooms in the house and where, for hygiene reasons,  cleaning should be the first essential thing.

Sometimes, however, it is precisely there that  bad odors can be found  , strong odors that often come from  exhaust pipes  . When it becomes unbearable, it is absolutely necessary to find  a remedy  . Which? Here is a truly indispensable and effective one.

Why does the shower smell? Possible causes

The bathroom, as we have already said, is  the busiest place in our home  , the room that is used the most throughout the day.

Therefore, its care and cleaning is essential, to  ensure that it is always sanitized and ready for use  . Sometimes, however, when entering the bathroom or shower you smell a very strong odor, almost like a sewer: but why?

This can happen for a number of reasons, mainly due to the shower drain. Among the causes that make the drain smell is also soap: yes,  exactly the one we use to wash ourselves  . In fact, soap and soap bars contain fatty substances that, unfortunately,  cannot be completely dissolved in water  .

So these, once in the drain, can form crusts that smell bad and therefore create a bad odor.

The smell in the shower, then, can also be caused by  a buildup of hair in the drain  , which generates dirt, mold and other debris that, therefore, causes the release of a bad smell, almost like that of a sewer. These are mistakes that are made, that anyone can make when using the shower, but it would be good to be more careful.

So how do you remove sewage smell from your shower? Here is the remedy.

How to remove the smell of sewer from the shower: the baby bottle remedy

To eliminate the stench from the shower drain  you will only need one more item than necessary: ​​a plastic bottle.

Well yes, a simple plastic bottle that  will help you create a really powerful mixture to eliminate the smell of sewer from your shower.

So grab a big bottle and then get  baking soda and citric acid  . This mixture will help you clean the drains, eliminating the bad smell.

So, dissolve  150 grams of citric acid in a liter of warm water,  pour into the bottle, then take  250 grams of baking soda  and pour it directly into the shower drain.

After doing this, wait a few seconds and then take the bottle and pour its contents down the drain. The combination of the two ingredients will be truly deadly,  they will react with each other and allow the clogged channels to be freed in no time.

To make everything even more effective, you can cover the drain area with a damp cloth, pour a saucepan with very hot water inside, in order to further release all the waste from the drain and completely eradicate the smell.

In addition, citric acid will also help reduce lime residue, another reason for possible bad odors in the drain.