
How to Easily Grow an Endless Amount of Onions on Your Windowsill!

By liliaturcin5

Onions are probably the most effective natural remedy for inflammation and infections. Phytochemicals present in onions increase the power of vitamin C in the human body and boost immunity.

Chromium regulates blood sugar levels.

How often do you eat raw onions? The aromatic vegetable gives a special flavor to dishes and you will love the fact that it improves the production of good cholesterol (HDL).

Quercetin in onions is a powerful anti-cancer agent. Are bees your worst nightmare? Well, just treat the area with fresh orange juice, and the burning sensation will soon disappear.

Onions prevent free radical damage and thus reduce the risk of gastric ulcer. The bright green parts of onions are a great source of vitamin A, so you should eat more of them.

If you hate cutting your onions that makes you cry, we’ll give you good reasons to love it. Onions prevent the development of many diseases. Enjoy the avalanche of good flavors and prepare yourself for the immense immune boost.

What’s the best thing about onions? It’s convenient to grow them on your windowsill.

You will surely find fresh onions in every supermarket, but you will never be able to know their true origin or how they were grown. If your climatic conditions allow you to grow your own onions, use this opportunity and develop your gardening skills. There’s nothing better than picking your own onions.

Don’t know how to plant onions? We will give you some useful tips!

First, we go over the items you need for this “adventure”.

Organic soil
5 liter plastic bottle


Cut the “neck” of the bottle.
Use the scissors to make holes in the bottle. Make sure they are wide enough.
Onion sprouts should be placed through the holes.
Put the soil in the bottle and place it on the windowsill.
Tape the “neck” back on the bottle.
You should see your first sprouts soon. Watch your green vegetables grow and use them to make your dishes tasty.

Onions Recipe


Lemon juice
Coriander leaves

Slice the onions, drizzle with fresh lemon juice and season with salt. Coarsely chopped coriander leaves will make your onion plate wonderful and your simple fresh salad is ready!