
Do this and you will be ant-free for over 3 months – you won’t see them anywhere again

By liliaturcin5

Eliminating ants from your home and garden could be very simple by simply preparing some useful natural remedies at home. 

Many people find themselves faced with the annoying presence of  ants  in their home. These are present both in town and in the countryside and it is sometimes enough to simply keep doors and windows open to facilitate their entry.

But how can we then eliminate them completely? Below, we will reveal some simple tips to keep  ants away  and never see them anywhere again.

How to Keep Ants Away from Your Home and Garden

Ants are nothing more than very annoying insects that, during the year, and in this specific case during certain seasons, usually enter our homes, invading them both inside and outside   To eliminate them, many choose to resort to the purchase and subsequent use of chemicals. But in reality, not everyone knows that there are quick and easy ways to keep these annoying insects away by preparing a few simple compounds at home.

One of them is the one that involves the use of 1 tablespoon of cloves, 2 tablespoons of coffee, the juice of one lemon. These ingredients will all be poured into a blender. And after mixing a little, you will have to open and pour a glass of water inside. After blending and mixing the ingredients well, you will need to strain the mixture into a glass.

In a bowl you will need to add 3 to 5 tablespoons of soap or shampoo and add the previously prepared mixture present in the blender. All ingredients must be mixed well and then diluted in 10 liters of water. The resulting final mixture will then be sprayed directly into the area of ​​the house or garden where ants  usually  accumulate. This way they will move away and never come back.

Ants in hand

Some useful recipes to keep ants away

Another  useful  and very simple to prepare remedy is the one that involves the use of 2 tablespoons of powder detergent, lemon zest and 3 to 5 drops of iodine. To these ingredients, which must be mixed well, you will need to add 10 liters of water. And at the end, you will have to spray everything in the exact place where the insects usually accumulate.

And again, among the many recipes that can be taken into consideration, it is also possible to cite the one that involves the use of aloe and lemon. These ingredients will be poured into a blender and mixed well.

Add 1 tablespoon of soda to the mixture then continue to mix everything well. The mixture will then be diluted in 5 liters of water. And this too is then sprayed at the precise location in the garden and house where ants  usually accumulate  .

Tips and ideas for keeping ants away

In addition to what has been said before, a great solution could also be to take 10 Aloe leaves, cut them into small pieces and pour them into a blender. To these you will then have to add 1 glass of water and after that you will simply have to mix everything and pour it into a strainer to be able to filter the mixture.

You will then need to add 1 tablespoon of soda to the filtered mixture and continue mixing. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of soap or shampoo to a bowl and mix with the previously prepared mixture. After having diluted the mixture in 5 liters of water, all you have to do is spray it in the precise place where the insects usually position themselves and bother you.

A final remedy  is to use red beans and 7 to 10 bay leaves, always place in a blender. The ingredients must be crushed well and in the same blender you will then need to add a glass of water and continue mixing. The mixture will have to rest for around 6 hours at the end of which it will simply be filtered.

In another bowl you will need to add 3 to 5 tablespoons of soap or shampoo. Then pour the previously mixed mixture into the same bowl and dilute it in 5 liters of water. This compound should then be sprayed into the most interesting spots.

By following all these tips,  keeping ants away  will be very simple. And above all, you will finally be able to say goodbye to these annoying insects.