
Never throw away this part of the banana: here’s why it’s popular at home

By liliaturcin5

Bananas, with their sweet flavor and health benefits, such as their rich potassium content, are a favorite of many households. While the inside of the fruit is enjoyed, the rinds, especially the stiff ends, often end up in the trash. However, these discarded pieces hold a surprising secret that can transform our approach to gardening.

Banana varieties:

Most people are used to the conventional yellow banana, but there are different types of bananas. Some have a hint of vanilla due to their ripening process, and others, like red bananas, lean toward a sweeter side. Despite these differences, all banana peels have an inherent value that is being rediscovered by home gardeners.

The power of banana peel fertilizers:

The magic lies not just in the skin, but specifically in the stiff end. Here’s the process and why it’s getting attention:

  1. Drying Process  : Videos have been circulating online explaining that after peeling the banana, this stiff end should be saved and allowed to dry. Before placing it in the sun, it is advisable to slice the stem open, revealing the fibers inside. Once exposed to the sun for several hours, these dried banana fibers become a powerful resource for our plants.
  2. Direct application  : Dried banana fibers, rich in essential nutrients, can be directly incorporated into potting soil or sprinkled on top of flower beds. They make an exceptional natural fertilizer, ensuring that plants receive not only water but also the intrinsic properties of banana fibers. This double feeding makes the plants robust and dynamic.
  3. Ecological approach  : Using all parts of the banana, particularly the peels, promotes sustainable and environmentally friendly gardening. It is a practice that reduces waste and offers an organic and economical solution for feeding plants.

By harnessing the potential of banana peels, particularly their stiff ends, gardening enthusiasts can embark on a journey towards greener, more sustainable gardening. It’s a simple act that has profound implications for our plants and the environment.

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