
This plant in your home works as a magnet for wealth and calls for positive energy

By liliaturcin5

Start Home remedies This plant in your home works as a magnet for wealth and…

Although science and technology advance by leaps and bounds and we can no longer discard them or dispense with their use, little by little we are returning to using all those resources that our grandmothers resorted to and how well they managed to raise children and have a life. family.

Surely we all have something to tell about what our grandmothers did: a home remedy, an infallible recipe or the faith placed in something that would attract abundance to the home to trust in the idea that we would never lack anything.

In my case, I am left with the memory of my grandmother who claimed that faith moves mountains and that for her the “plant of the coin” turned out to be almost sacred.

That was what she called it, and that despite having changed houses throughout her life from time to time, she never left anywhere this plant to which she attributed the power to attract money and always have money. what we needed.

The plant we are talking about actually has a name, it is called “CrassulaOvata”, and it is attributed the powers of cleaning environments, attracting good energy and money.

It is a plant from Southern Africa that is also known by the name “jade” or “money plant” and from this continent it already brings its reputation for being a provider of abundance and good fortune.

It is also used as a decorative plant since it adapts very well to the interiors of environments and has very beautiful pink and white flowers.

Every time he looked at this plant, which seemed so beautiful to him, he raised his prayers to God, begging for the prosperity he so needed for himself and his family.

See video below:

This story of faith in which wishes can be fulfilled made people traditionally give each other a jade plant as a symbol and pursuit of fortune and prosperity.