
Find out how to use Madeira seedlings to improve the growth of plants.

By liliaturcin5

After a pleasant evening in front of the fireplace or your stove, remember to collect the ashes around for recycling. Rich, among other things, in phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, ash has cleaning and degreasing properties, useful in home maintenance, but also beneficial for the garden and vegetable patch. Find out how to use wood ash in cleaning and gardening.

Formerly used for laundry, wood ash has proven to be a biodegradable natural product, useful for both the home and garden. In fact, it is effective in cleaning and removing stains, but it is also used in the garden to improve plant growth.

wood ash

What are the uses of wood ash in the home and garden?

  • For the garden

– Natural repellent against slugs and slugs

Plant enthusiasts, snails and snails can wreak havoc on your garden and vegetable patch by attacking the leaves, fruits and vegetables and even the tubers, bulbs and underground roots of your plants. To protect your greenery, spread dry ash around plants you want to protect, such as lettuces. The ash will then act as a barrier for these harmful gastropods.

– As a fungicide

The ash tree has fungicidal properties, that is, it allows the destruction of parasitic fungi on vegetable plants, fruit trees, but also seedlings. The ash thus prevents the dampening of the seedlings and the white rot that covers some vegetables such as onions.

– As an amendment

Wood ash is rich in minerals and trace elements. However, it is considered a soil improver and not a fertilizer and has the role of improving the state of the soil while maintaining its good structure. That said, ash doesn’t help your plants grow because it doesn’t contain nitrogen. Ash, on the other hand, will strengthen your plants. Use it in addition to natural fertilizers. To do this, spread thin layers of ash on the soil to provide your plants with the potassium, phosphorus or even calcium they need.

– In the compost

Ash is alkaline, meaning its pH is greater than 7. Therefore, it neutralizes the compost when it is too acidic due to the organic waste used, such as coffee grounds or citrus peels. Use ash in limited quantities because, being rich in limestone, it risks compromising the correct aeration of the compost and consequently slowing down the activity of the microorganisms involved in the decomposition of waste.

Note that wood ash is not suitable for all plants, due to its high pH level. Avoid spreading wood ash around plants that appreciate acidity, known as acidophilic plants, such as blueberries or potatoes, at the risk of encouraging fungal growth. Also, be careful when using wood ash. Used in excess in the soil, it weakens the assimilation of iron and calcium by plants. This leads to a disease called chlorosis, characterized by a change in the color of the leaf blades.

Also, keep in mind that not all wood ashes are good for the garden. It is necessary to use ash that comes from untreated wood such as that used in the fireplace or wood stove. Mineral charcoal is toxic and therefore not recommended.

  • For the House

– To eliminate bad odors

Like baking soda, wood ash is a natural deodorizer that neutralizes bad odors in your home. To do this, fill a small bowl with ash and place it in rooms or objects you want to deodorize, such as cat litter.

– To scrub a pot or pan

Thanks to its degreasing action, wood ash will allow you to easily scrub a pot or pan and remove encrusted stains. To do this, mix some ash with water and let the solution soak into the pan for a few minutes. Then rub with a sponge and rinse. You can also choose to make a paste with the ash and a little water and scrub the crusted dish to remove traces of grease.

– Shine the windows

Lightly moisten a piece of newspaper and soak it in sifted ash. Then wipe the window panes or oven door to clean them.

Note that it is important to sift the ash well to avoid scratching the windows.

– To remove stains

Wood ash is effective for loosening clothes. Then, as soon as you dirty a piece of clothing, think about sprinkling the stain with a little ash. Leave for 5 minutes and rub the stained area with a soft cloth.

Wood ash is also useful for removing stains from furniture, especially wood. To do this, just make a paste with the ash and water and gently rub the stain, using circular motions.

That said, thanks to its cleaning power, wood ash is useful in cleaning the house, but it is also useful for ensuring good growth of healthy plants.