
Why do you need to pour bleach on flowers? My gardener’s magic trick

By liliaturcin5

To properly care for your flowering plants, there are methods to adopt to ensure optimal growth. Here’s how to care for your plants with bleach. But be careful, this product should be used with caution. Let’s explain.

To maintain your flowers, you have to take care of them by watering them, feeding them, and protecting them from fungal diseases.

How to care for your flowers with bleach?

Different types of flowers

To properly care for your flowers, you must expose them to light for good blooming. Careful! Too direct sunlight could burn them. However, to prevent fungal diseases and keep your flowers in good condition, it is important to pay special attention to them. With this technique,  you will get beautiful and healthy flowers.

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To preserve your flowers, you can use bleach. Using this detergent will allow you to keep your flowers for a long time because it will help eliminate  pests that can compromise their growth.  On the gardening site  ooreka , it is explained that lye has antifungal properties and can fight certain plant diseases such as powdery mildew or insects such as the leek worm. To do this,  mix 25 ml of bleach in 2 liters of water and pour this solution into a spray bottle. Then, spray it on the soil and at the base of the plants to delay the aging of your flowers caused by different bacteria. However, avoiding hours of sunlight.

Caution: Avoid spraying flowers directly with this product.

Additionally, to defeat bacteria in a bouquet of flowers, you can mix two to three drops of bleach with a teaspoon of sugar in a liter of water and fill your vase with this mixture. Bleach will prevent the growth of bacteria, but also prevent the water from becoming cloudy.

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How to use bleach to weed weeds and care for your flowers?


Weeds make your garden look bad. Therefore, they must be removed. In addition to its disinfecting and cleaning power for maintaining your home, bleach can destroy weeds. Allows you to weed curbs, alleys or terraces. If you have flowering plants surrounded by weeds, you can use them to protect them. In fact, bleach has properties that dry out weeds very quickly. According to the gardening site  Gamm vert , pour a cup of bleach into a liter of water and spray the solution on the weeds. However, when using this product you must remain vigilant. It should not be mixed with dishwashing liquid or vinegar, as there is a risk of inhaling gases that are dangerous to health.

This surprising trick will allow you to keep your flowers for a long time and optimize their flowering. Bleach has many unexpected properties and you have just discovered some of them for the maintenance of your plants.

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