
Plastic forks in the garden, all gardeners are starting to do it: the reason is ingenious

By liliaturcin5

Placing plastic forks in the garden may seem absurd, strange, certainly out of the ordinary, but it helps protect the garden from any type of parasite.

Forks in the garden.

Many are already doing it, because they discovered the trick some time ago. Someone else, on the other hand,  doesn’t know it at all and is even suspicious  , precisely because it seems more like a ridiculous joke than anything else.

In reality, it is a solution proposed by  all gardeners in the world  , it is an atypical method, which however, on a small scale, really works.

How to solve the pest problem if you do not have free time to dedicate to the home garden

There are those who have a passion  for gardening  and care about having beautiful plants, growing fruits and vegetables, vegetables to consume fresh, just picked from the garden. Then there are those who want to fill the garden with ornamental plants that give it a cared-for, refined, elegant appearance that  inspires serenity.

Those who have time to dedicate to the garden do not have the problem. However, those who have a very busy schedule and do not find a moment of free time  to dedicate themselves solely and exclusively to the garden  find themselves in difficult and problematic situations, which they often do not know how to solve.

Chemical products, advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons of their use.

When you don’t spend much time in the garden and, for example, even rely on automatic irrigation systems, what happens is that parasites take over. The plants, whatever they are, become your home. Obviously this  is a problem  because they damage them. In some cases,  plants even dry out and it is not clear what caused it.

There are products on the market that can be useful, but many times they are penalizing. for man and beyond. They are penalizing for human beings, because they have a high cost, but also because they are toxic, harmful to health and to the soil itself. In fact, the earth  absorbs non-ecological products,  so plants, vegetables, etc. that are cultivated are also affected.

The solution at your fingertips, economical and non-harmful

Companies have no scruples, which is why they market particularly dangerous chemicals, which are not recommended at all, especially if children also eat the fruits from your garden. There is a method that can be proposed as a valid alternative,  which obviously does not work miracles  , but which can give interesting results at no cost, without harming health or the soil.

It is a remedy that respects the ecosystem, is easy to apply, does not require much time, but above all is economical. It reminds me of the scarecrow method of keeping birds away. In this case,  place the plastic forks in the garden  , with their heads up, otherwise the remedy is useless.

How plastic forks work in the garden

Plastic forks in the garden do not have the same effects as chemicals, but  they prevent some particular parasites  from attacking  the crop.  When parasites try to approach the plantation, they cannot do so because they become trapped or prevented  in some other way.

It should be noted that plastic forks are no longer on the market as part of the fight against plastic. They are found, although  rarely and not everywhere.  So  the advice is to keep them when they are delivered to you along with the food  they bring home, or with the takeaway, because they can be recycled in a thousand ways, like this. There’s nothing wrong with trying, at least not in this case.