
Garlic, with this method you multiply it infinitely – gardeners do it

By liliaturcin5

Here are some simple tips on how to always have fresh garlic on hand to flavor our dishes and beyond.

Italian gastronomy is famous throughout the world because it is full of tasty recipes made with fresh, excellent   quality ingredients   . All our preparations stand out not only for the raw materials we use to make them, but also for the spices and   condiments   . The latter, in fact, give taste, flavor and uniqueness to all our dishes.

Among the things that can never be missing in the kitchen there is undoubtedly garlic   which   , in addition to being fundamental in the preparation of some of our dishes, also has various   beneficial properties   for our body. This ingredient is in fact considered a real   natural antibiotic   thanks to the presence of allicin. Furthermore, it is able to strengthen the immune system and contains several minerals, including zinc; manganese; iodine; the iron; magnesium and many others.

We can therefore state with certainty that garlic is one of the most versatile products ever, ideal both for use as a condiment in the kitchen and for our personal well-being. For this reason, it would be a good thing to be able to   grow it at home   . It’s possible? Here’s everything you need to know about it.

How to grow garlic in the garden

If you live in the countryside or if you have land near you, you can recreate a   small   garlic plantation. In this way we will always have it at hand.


When you decide to plant garlic, you must first pay attention to the time of year you decide to do it. The ideal season is autumn   ,   so you can harvest during the summer.

Furthermore, it is best to buy garlic for planting in   shops specializing   in the sale of plants; always insert them into the ground with the tip pointing upwards and water the sprouts regularly, but without exaggerating with the amount of water, throughout the year.

Recreate a plantation inside the house

If you want to plant garlic even if you don’t have a garden, you can also do it at home. The only thing we need is a   container   (a container of yogurt or margarine is enough); a little   ground   and, of course, the garlic cloves.

Home planting

First, we pierce the bottom of the container we have, place it on a saucer and pour less than two centimeters of soil inside. Then you can proceed to insert the whole garlic cloves into the ground, always   facing upwards   and without removing the peel. At this point we simply need to add more soil, this time about an inch and a half.

Once this procedure is completed, we will have to regularly take care of our small garlic plantation.  It should be placed in a sunny place   in the house, watered and cut the flowers that form from time to time. This will help preserve all the flavor of the garlic.

When, over time, we begin to notice the presence of leaves, this means that the   growth   of the plant is proceeding correctly and that from the following summer we will be able to benefit from the fruits of our labor.

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