
Here we explain how to have an abundant and eternal laurel plant on the balcony of your house.

By liliaturcin5

Growing a Healthy Bay Plant on Your Balcony: Expert Tips

A versatile ,  evergreen plant with numerous health benefits, bay leaves add flavor to various recipes and offer therapeutic benefits. Bay leaves, often purchased in supermarkets,  are not only essential in cooking, but also in infusions, infusions and even liqueurs.  What many may not know is that growing a bay plant on the balcony or in the garden is convenient and easy, and provides a readily available source of this aromatic treasure.

Beyond its culinary uses, bay leaves are known for their medicinal properties.  Decoctions, infusions and infusions made from bay leaves can relieve digestive problems, intestinal disorders, abdominal bloating and combat aerophagia.  In this article, we focus on growing a healthy and abundant bay plant, ensuring it thrives on your balcony.

To start,  the process of growing laurel may involve planting seeds or tending to a newly hatched shoot from an existing bush.  For balcony cultivation, the use of seeds is recommended. The soil should be soft, well-drained and rich in fertilizers and worm castings, avoiding excess organic nutrients. A medium-sized pot with drainage holes facilitates optimal root development.

Once the laurel seedling is in the pot with the prepared soil, the focus is on growing and caring for it over time. Here are some expert tips:

The best strategies for growing on balconies

Laurel plants  , like any other, have  specific requirements for optimal growth,  which vary depending on factors such as soil, sunlight exposure, and water needs. It is essential to place the laurel plant mainly in the shade, additionally accepting  3 to 4 hours of sunlight daily,  as long as direct exposure to the sun’s rays is avoided. A balcony, well lit but shaded, turns out to be an ideal place.

For irrigation, moderation is key.  Water the seedling only when the soil is noticeably dry and choose the coolest times of day for this task, either early morning or late afternoon.  Pruning is an integral part of bay care, especially when collecting leaves for culinary use. To ensure continued growth and rapid development of new branches, use clean scissors to cut entire branches rather than individual leaves.

Following these expert strategies will ensure that your bay plant thrives on the balcony, offering a convenient, fresh supply of aromatic leaves for your culinary delights.