
How to remove rust from doors and windows without painting them: 4 foolproof tricks

By liliaturcin5

It is very common to see the problems that rainy seasons leave behind, not only the humidity that settles in our home but also brown or rust stains on ironwork surfaces. Especially, we can observe this on exterior doors and windows.

Precisely, the oxide is present as an electrochemical reaction in the iron of metals. Therefore, it comes into contact with rain and causes corrosion and deterioration of the surfaces.

How to remove rust from doors and windows without painting them: 4 foolproof tricks

Most of us try to keep our homes in the best condition, but sometimes we cannot solve these problems as quickly as we would like. Perhaps, because we do not have the necessary resources to solve it.

In any case, the truth is that we can do a lot with few materials, so that the doors and windows look abandoned.

Next we will learn  how to remove rust from metals with 4 tricks that never fail as if they were freshly painted:

How to remove rust from doors and windows without painting them

These are 4 tricks to remove rust from metals without having to paint them:

1. How to remove rust from metal with aluminum foil

This method will surprise us greatly with the results achieved:

  1. First, we proceed to cut the aluminum foil into strips and then make small balls, they should be approximately 3 centimeters long.
  2. Afterwards, we submerge them in water for just 1 minute will be enough. We immediately rub on the pieces that are rusty. As we pass it, it rotates until it is all eliminated.
  3. Obviously, the original color will not be recovered but the oxidation process will stop.

2. How to remove rust from metal with lemon

Without a doubt, the acidity of lemon eliminates rust from blacksmithing, let’s see how to do it:

  1. To begin, we pour the lemon juice into a container and add 1/2 tablespoon of salt, stirring both ingredients well.
  2. Next step, we apply to the area where we are going to remove the rust and let it act for 1 to 2 hours.
  3. Finally, with the help of a toothbrush that we no longer use or a sponge we rub and remove the rust debris.

3. How to remove rust from metal with cola drink

The use of cola soda as a homemade solution is no longer a secret. In fact, it is a great ally for the home to leave it impeccable.

An example of this, to remove tartar from the toilet without chemicals, nothing is better than glue. The same thing happens to remove rust from metals.

  1. By simply pouring 1/4 of cola into a container and with the help of a brush, we rub it over the rusty surfaces, then let it act for a few minutes.
  2. Then, with the help of a wet sandpaper we remove the rust from the surface and that’s it.

4. How to remove rust from metal with baking soda

  1. First, we add 3 or 4 tablespoons of baking soda to a container with 1/4 of water.
  2. Then, with the help of a brush, we apply it to the rusty surfaces and let it act for about 5 minutes.
  3. To finish, we remove the rust with a soft bristle brush, clean it with a cloth and that’s it. The rust that spoils the appearance of the windows and doors will come off.

Let’s apply these  4 foolproof tricks to remove rust from doors and windows without painting them!