
Here is the most powerful fungicide and insecticide in the world: without any chemicals

By liliaturcin5

The most powerful fungicide and insecticide in the world is this: do you know how to make it? In an absolutely natural way! Here’s what you need.

To  take care of plants and flowers attacked by fungi and parasites  , it is sometimes necessary  to resort to fungicides and insecticides  . Do you know how to make a single product that fulfills both functions and, above all, is natural? You only need 2 ingredients.

How to protect plants from pests

It doesn’t matter whether you’re  an expert gardener or a novice green thumb  : you too have seen  your plants attacked by fungi or parasites.

Leaf pests

Some are harmless, while others are particularly dangerous  . Do you know, for example, that  aphids suck the blood of the plant  which dies in a short time if you do not act quickly?

Even  snails that appear peaceful are actually dangerous pests  : they feed on leaves and stems, affecting the well-being of your green gems. If you are looking for  a solution to get rid of fungus and pests on your plants  , read on.

We will not advise you to buy  toxic or chemical products  that many sell mainly to the less experienced with the promise of solving the problem. Instead, we’ll show you  how to make the world’s most powerful fungicide and insecticide. You only need 2 ingredients. Here are the ones.

The world’s most powerful fungicide and insecticide – you only need 2 ingredients

If you want to get rid of fungi and pests  that attack your plants, you’ve come to the right place. Today you will discover  how to make the world’s most powerful fungicide and insecticide.

You only need  2 ingredients: alcohol and garlic  ! Let’s get started right away. First,  grind 6 cloves of garlic and place them in a bottle. Next, fill the chamber half with  70 proof alcohol and half with water.

How to make a natural insecticide

If you have some at home, we recommend  that you also add 1 tablespoon of Marseille soap to the solution  . Shake the mixture vigorously after closing the bottle with its cap and let  the garlic macerate for at least one hour  .

After this time,  spray the solution obtained on the leaves of your plants and on the ground  : the most powerful fungicide and insecticide in the world will do its job perfectly.

This homemade product is particularly  effective in getting rid of whiteflies, wasps, ladybugs, ants and slugs. If  stored in a dry, cool place  , away from sources of heat or excessive cold (e.g. the refrigerator), this  ecological repellent  can last up to 6 weeks.

Garlic is an ingredient with extraordinary properties  not only for our body but also for protecting plant health. It is  a natural insecticide and fungicide. Alcohol, for its part, is a powerful solvent  capable of exploiting all the properties of garlic.

Also try to implement this  solution  and you will be able  to forget about the fungi, insects and pests  that will finally leave your plants alone. Obviously nature always thinks of everything and provides us  with many other natural remedies  to allow us to take better care of our plants.

For example,  have you ever heard of Neem oil  ? It is a  natural insecticide  capable of  eliminating worms and larvae from the soil  . You can buy it at garden stores or nurseries.

If you are looking for  an even more ecological and economical solution  , then you cannot fail to make this recipe. Here are the ingredients you will need:  mint, ash, garlic, tobacco, Marseille soap.

How to combine all these ingredients? In a liter bottle,  add 15 chopped mint leaves, a spoonful of ash, 2 chopped garlic cloves, a little tobacco and a spoonful of Marseille soap.

Shake this mixture well and  let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours  . Then, after this time,  filter it and pour it over the leaves and soil of your plants  . With this solution  you will quickly get rid of various insects and parasites.

Powdered sulfur  is also a natural ingredient which, if poured into the soil of your plants, helps them to  strengthen their “immune system”  which will become stronger against the attack of pests. With this remedy  you can especially forget about fleas, ticks, larvae and even fungi.

Eggshells  are also a  natural waste ingredient. They help your plants stay healthy. Yes, they are ecological fertilizers  that guarantee sudden growth of your green jewels but at the same time they are also  a natural repellent  .

Eggshells keep earthworms, slugs and caterpillars away from plants  . Let them dry for 24 hours, crush them and spread them on the soil of your plants:  goodbye to pests in a minute!