
Fake Honey is Everywhere – Here’s How to Tell if It’s the Case

By liliaturcin5

Honey  is a very nutritious food, but  to benefit from its benefits it must be pure. Most of the industrial honeys they sell in supermarkets are actually mixtures of honey with sugar and other ingredients –  here’s how to tell if the honey is pure or fake  .

Obviously, the first thing to do is to read the label carefully, trying to find out if any additives or other substances appear among the ingredients, such as natural sweeteners that are added to change the flavor.

The only ingredient listed on the package should be  pure honey  . However, it may happen that the label is not entirely clear, and to know whether the honey is pure or not, certain methods can be applied.

The thumb test

Put a small amount of honey on your thumb and see if it starts to spread over the rest of the finger or if it falls off. If this happens, the honey is not pure.

Pure honey does not move and remains intact.

The water test

Another simple method to check the purity of honey is the water test.

To put it into practice, fill a glass with water, then pour in a spoonful of honey. If it melts, the honey is not pure.

Artificial honey dissolves easily in water and spreads throughout the glass. Pure honey, on the other hand, will sink to the bottom of the glass and remain intact.

The honey must be absolutely pure and organic  . Fake honey may also contain substances such as dextrose, glucose, molasses, sugar, corn syrup, flour or starch, among others.

Pure honey contains approximately 16 minerals, 21 vitamins, 18 amino acids and various phytonutrients with antioxidant and healing properties.