
Planting a Cinnamon Tree at Home: A Key Ingredient for Desserts and Cooking Recipes!

By liliaturcin5

How to plant a cinnamon tree at home step by step

To start, you will need to buy some cinnamon seeds. It is best that you buy it from a store specializing in herbs or gardening, since cinnamon seeds are not sold in all pharmacies or supermarkets.

Once you have the seed, you must plant it in a pot with enough soil. The pot should be large enough to allow the tree to grow for years to come. If you don’t have a suitable pot, you can make one using a plastic drum.

The soil you use to plant the cinnamon tree should be rich in nutrients and moisture. If you don’t have soil specially prepared for this, you can mix it with compost or humus.

Once you have planted the seed in the pot, cover the soil with a few inches of water. Let the water absorb and then leave it in a sunny spot.

Be sure to water your cinnamon tree daily, especially during the summer months. If it doesn’t rain much in your area, you can water it with a hose.

The cinnamon tree will begin to grow after a few months. When it is between two and three meters high, you can start using it in the kitchen. Enjoy it!

Important tips when planting a cinnamon tree

  • The best time to plant a cinnamon tree is during the rainy season. Therefore, depending on the area where you live, keep this in mind so that your plant has better growth possibilities.
  • The ideal lighting for a cinnamon tree is in partial shade. Therefore, try to place it in an area where it does not receive direct sun but does receive good clarity. Light is essential for its development.
  • The ideal soil should be clay and make sure it has good drainage.