
This protects tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and other plants from dangerous diseases

By liliaturcin5

To protect plants from dangerous fungal diseases, you can count on a very effective solution.

With the return of sunny days, the desire to  enrich one’s home and also the garden with splendid plants  , capable of giving luminosity and color to different environments, rises. In addition, growing plants also means being able to enjoy their fruits: think for example of tomato plants, but also of cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants and much more. However, as anyone familiar with the subject knows, plants  must always be treated with great care  so that they grow healthily and vigorously. Unfortunately, plant diseases are always around the corner, but fortunately there are effective solutions that allow us to protect our green friends.

Plant diseases, how to avoid them with this remedy: a few steps are enough

The summer period, that is to say when temperatures  easily reach (and exceed) 30 degrees  , allows plants to better defend themselves against certain diseases.

Sick plant

For example, downy mildew, a fairly common plant disease, does not thrive at these temperatures. However, with the return of the rains, the situation changes completely, as the air temperature drops and  humidity takes over  . These are precisely the ideal conditions for the development of fungal diseases on plants.

Downy mildew primarily affects tomato plants and vines, but  diseases can target any plants  . What can we do to protect our plants and prevent them from getting sick?

The best solution is to rely on certain  biological preparations to spray on plants  , so as to guarantee effective protection against fungal diseases.

Just to give an example, one of the most used products to protect plants is  copper sulfate  , excellent for protecting vines, vegetables and fruits.

Used since Antiquity, copper sulfate is an excellent fungicide and bactericide. Being a chemical product, the advice is to spray copper sulfate on the plants  when the temperatures are not very high  , otherwise you risk the situation getting worse instead of better with the heat.

Therefore, copper sulfate can be applied in autumn and winter. Tomato plants should be sprayed with copper sulfate about  two weeks before the fruit ripens. 

Baking soda and milk are also excellent protections for our plants

Other elements that we can use to protect our plants against fungal diseases are baking  soda  and  milk  . When ripening the fruit, the use of chemicals is obviously strongly discouraged, while bicarbonate and milk can be used safely.

Spray the plants

Although these are less “powerful” solutions than copper sulfate,  their protective effect on plants remains satisfactory  . The ideal is to spray the solution characterized by bicarbonate or milk at least once a week.

The fruits, in this case, can  also be collected and consumed immediately after spraying  . In a short time we will notice how our  plants grow strong and healthy  , without any danger of fungal diseases.