
Add this nutrient before planting – immediately double your tomato yield

By liliaturcin5

This nutrient immediately doubles tomato yield. Follow these guidelines for a super bountiful harvest. Here is the secret that will change your growing technique.

Are your tomato plants producing little fruit? Don’t panic! Add this nutrient before planting  to immediately double your yield.

Tomato plants, how to take care of them in the best way

Tomatoes are undoubtedly  one of the vegetables that we most often bring to our tables  . If you don’t have a balcony, garden or vegetable patch to grow tomato plants, you will probably buy these fleshy red fruits at the supermarket or a greengrocer.

Tomato plant

On the contrary, if you have the possibility of a small plot of land, we are sure that a space will be dedicated precisely  to the cultivation of the tomato plant  .

Taking care of it is not easy at all. It is undoubtedly  a plant that requires a lot of dedication and attention  . It  needs plenty of light  to grow well and enough water, especially in summer.

If your tomato plant is also having trouble picking fruit, you probably need to take action  . Add  this nutrient before planting  and  immediately double your tomato yield  . If you follow our advice to the letter you will see that you too will be able to bring many tomatoes to your table.

Manure as a natural fertilizer

Taking care of a tomato plant is not easy, we know that. Often, even if you take time, passion and patience,  you fail to bring these delicious red fruits to your table,  or at least not in abundance.

We are here today to  reveal the secret that will change your growing technique  . Add this  nutrient before planting to double your tomato yield  . Here are all the tips you won’t be able to do without.

The first thing to know is that  tomatoes grow well in dry soil  that contains all the nutrients the plant needs. You should start  preparing your land in the fall, by plowing it thoroughly  and fertilizing it naturally, for example with  compost or manure  .

Manure to fertilize the soil

Even  during sowing, you need to add certain nutrients  that your plant will need to grow healthily and vigorously. A nourished plant is a fertile plant  , ready to give you many fruits in abundance.

Before  planting your tomato plants  , be sure to  fertilize the soil with organic matter like manure  . The latter is nothing more than a  natural, waste organic product  . It is important for  nourishing agricultural crops and increasing their yield.

You should know that  manure  – used as fertilizer –  contains many  valuable elements and nutrients that plants assimilate. We are talking about  magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and other trace elements. Manure also contains  microorganisms and bacteria  , a valuable food source necessary for the development of  subsoil microflora  .

This nutrient doubles the yield of tomatoes

However, there is also  another natural element  that you can use as fertilizer:  ash that comes from burning wood  . It is precisely this nutrient that will increase the yield of your tomatoes.

The ash is rich in phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and potassium  and is perfect for  fertilizing tomato plants. It also contains  nitrogen  which, however, evaporates during combustion.

Ash tree to double the yield of tomatoes

In the initial growth phase, the one in which the roots and stems develop,  tomato plants will especially need potassium and magnesium  , nutrients which the ash is rich in.

It is a common misconception that  nitrogen and potassium fertilizers  can help the plant produce more fruit. It’s not like that and we’ll explain why. An excess of nitrogen leads to overfeeding of the plant  which will quickly develop stem and leaves but not fruit: with such supplements,  fruiting is delayed  and the risk of the plant contracting diseases increases.

Ash, on the other hand, will be the perfect nutrient to increase  the yield of tomatoes  . The  manganese  it is rich in, for example, helps  improve the absorption of carbon dioxide.

Rather, copper improves protein and carbohydrate metabolism  . Calcium  stimulates metabolic processes. Did you know that  ash generates an alkaline reaction  ? This is essential to  bring the soil to a neutral pH  and allow the plant to grow quickly.

But how do you need to use this nutrient to really get results? Here’s what you need to do. After preparing the soil,  make furrows and spread manure  . Then add  the ashes and cover everything with another thin layer of soil  .

By doing so,  the tomato roots will come into contact with all the nutrients  necessary for their growth. How to adjust the dosage? For each groove made you will need to pour 3 tablespoons of ash.

Generally,  you will need at least 150 grams of ash for each square foot of soil  . Remember to always sprinkle ashes on  damp ground.

Then prepare  a solution composed of 100 grams of ash which you will pour into 10 liters of water  : this solution will be  the liquid food for your plants  . Feed your tomatoes with this mixture and you will see what results. The ash is extraordinary. Truly, this nutrient doubles tomato yield in no time.