
He puts lemon seeds in his banana: when you see what happens, you will do the same

By liliaturcin5

The video showing this man using this method has been viewed more than 6.1 million times.

Most people eat bananas without thinking of other uses – and we can’t blame them. However, aside from their taste, bananas have special properties that offer many useful uses.

It is actually possible to “plant” lemon seeds in a banana to improve germination, and this intriguing suggestion has won over garden lovers. Like many other seeds, lemon seeds can germinate. However, this germination can sometimes be hindered by chemicals and enzymes that delay or stop it altogether.

It turns out that bananas release ethylene, a natural plant hormone that regulates ripening. Ethylene can also counteract the effects of chemicals and enzymes that inhibit seeds, thereby promoting growth. To observe this phenomenon, simply select a ripe banana and insert some lemon seeds into it by making small incisions.

This is demonstrated in the video in this article. It may be helpful to use the seeds of an organic lemon to reduce the risk of chemical contamination. Then it’s time to plant the banana with the seeds.

You can place them in a pot filled with potting soil like the man does in the video. Once the seeds have germinated, they need to be removed from the banana and replanted, but this time not into a banana. It is important to note that there is no guarantee that this method will work as the quality of the lemon seeds can vary.