
Dried plants: if you throw this ingredient in, they won’t wilt anymore, nonsense!

By liliaturcin5

Plants are an essential element  if you want to create a small vegetable garden in the garden. But it is essential  to keep them in good condition   and provide them with the necessary care. Watering them regularly is not always enough and certain aspects beyond our control (like fungi or parasites) can ruin even the most resistant species. You don’t need to spend too much on specialized products or be  gardening experts to ensure their perfect growth. By following these   simple tips  we will always get perfect plants and flowers.

Dried plants: if you throw this ingredient in they will no longer wither, absurd!

Coffee grounds as organic fertilizer

Although   coffee grounds   are one of the ingredients that can be used when we prepare our   homemade compost  , it is also possible to use it as an  organic fertilizer  with any plant that we have in the garden, especially those that need  acidic soil. Its optimal use is to let them dry for a few days to avoid the appearance of fungi then add them to the ground or in plant pots. Another very effective option  is to mix them with the plant substrate,  this will serve to enrich the soil with nutrients for several weeks. Plants will grow  more vigorously  with this simple trick.

Eggshells for good growth

Egg shells, which we always throw away,  are an element widely used to improve the growth of many  plants, such as tomatoes, peppers, zucchini,  etc. In fact, eggshells  are rich in calcium,  which will help plants grow well. But how to use them? First wash them well and grind them until they become a powder. Finally,  add a tablespoon of ground powder into the plants.

Tea bags to retain moisture

If you don’t have a lot of time to water, placing  a tea bag inside your plants  will help  extend the humidity  the plant needs. Simply make a small hole in the ground, bury the sachet then water it. The bag  will hold water longer  , but   it will also improve drainage  so that liquid stays in the bag without pooling or rotting the plant’s roots.

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Milk for the proper development of plants

Another remedy for strong and healthy plants is  milk fertilizer  that you can prepare at home. In fact, just mix one part cow’s milk to four parts water and water several times a month. Milk is rich in nitrogen and calcium, two important nutrients for the  proper development of garden plants.

Garlic against parasites

Outdoor plants and flowers are very susceptible to attack from all kinds of  harmful insects  (like the dreaded aphid) which eat both leaves and flowers. Chemical pesticides are the most common option to eradicate them, but they are very aggressive and harmful to the  environment  . To prevent spoilage, you can use a simple homemade recipe that will easily drive away pests. It consists of mixing a   spoonful  of vegetable oil and several crushed garlic cloves in three liters of water. It is then filtered and placed in a spray container. Spray it several times a week on affected plants and you will quickly notice results.

White vinegar to get rid of weeds

Rooted weeds in the garden can have a very harmful effect if they are not pulled out in time. Using a herbicide before they produce seeds is the best solution to eliminate them, but if it’s too late, you can  spray a little  white wine vinegar diluted in water   directly on the roots. This tip gives excellent results.

Red wine for dry plants

Another ingredient that can be used for  good plant growth is red wine. Red wine is rich in   mineral salts  and antioxidants, so it has the ability to make the soil fertile, this way the  plants are invigorated and the flowers do not wither. When there is little wine left at the bottom of the bottle, dilute it with water and  water your plants.