
Onion peels, never throw them away: you have no idea what you can do with them!

By liliaturcin5

Onion peels, never throw them away: you have no idea what you can do with them!

Raise your hand if you always throw the peels in the trash. Unfortunately, this is a very common habit and certainly not surprising: but what if we told you that you could actually reuse many scrubs that you normally throw away? Onion peels in particular     are very useful in many different areas and that is why we have decided to give you a few tips that will surely be useful to you.

Onion peels, never throw them away: you have no idea what you can do with them!

Onion peels for your garden

If you have a green space or a real   garden  , remember that you can use onion peels as a fertilizer and as a natural repellent. In fact, the onion not only manages   to nourish the soil   , but also protects plants from various   parasites   and harmful  insects. So how is it done? We dry the peels well and then chop them finely. Now stick them into the ground before putting the plant back in. In this way we can nourish the soil as a natural (and above all economic) fertilizer while avoiding the creation of waste and the waste of a very useful product.

For personal care

In addition, it is interesting to consider that   onion peels   can even help us heal our bodies. Not everyone knows that you  can use it to give your hair shine. It is enough to use about 50-60 grams, previously cooked over low heat for at least an hour. Later we just have to wait for it to cool and wash it with it: the result will be really surprising!

Alternatively, we can prepare a delicious infusion from onion peels  that can help us in various ways (think fluid retention, cramps, circulatory problems or to purify). We take some peels, boil them in a pot and then cool everything down. Once the liquid is filtered, all we have to do is drink it: the taste is strong but we will benefit from it!

In the kitchen

Although we all know how good onions are in the kitchen for seasoning first and second courses, not everyone knows that the same peel     can be used to season soups and vegetables as a side dish. The only thing we have to do is to cook them along with the food and then take them out at the end of cooking because they become a little fibrous when chewed.

Trick for bosses

One last great trick concerns the possibility of   dyeing our clothes   . We must use warm water and we can use it for this purpose with more or less skin.